Ron Wyatt summarizes original findings in Ark chamber and performs sub-surface radar scans. Ron Wyatt: At that point I left through the old entrance. Ron Wyatt- The Ark of the Covenant Watch on The. Test them in my word, Jesus says. The chamber was certainly not cleared out. The most contraversial being the Ark of the Covenant. Bill Fry: Was it sitting on top of something else? His assistant, Jim Pinkoski, is quite an amusing fellow. Ark of the Covenant. I did all my getting in the dark, so when the things kind of lighted up, I was really shocked by what I saw, that is the place had been cleaned out, and that there were four people in there. What Everybody Needs is Love (Engl. I cant give you any meaningful estimate of the exact distance Id have to view the tape again to do that but my memory is that it was about enough to crawl into and not much more. Ron Wyatt's Last Interview Reveals What The 4 Angels Told Him In The Chamber Of Ark Of The Covenant - Why God Why God Evidence Shows God Exists HOME EVIDENCE FOR GOD Categories Meranda Devan Defending Our Faith, Personal Testimonies Ron Wyatt's Last Interview Reveals What The 4 Angels Told Him In The Chamber Of Ark Of The Covenant You said he was close to the ceiling any thoughts on how close? Joey Barta, Dimercia Spooner and Bryan Chase. The menorah may have been on its side under them. Ron Wyatt, 1933-1999, at the Gatlinburg Tennessee museum c. 1995. I wasnt with him when he shot it, but I saw the tape not very long afterwards. You really can't write comedy like this. Bill Fry: Ron, could you speak up? Bill Fry: Because Im leaving tomorrow, and Ive still got some things to do around here relative to getting ready for Sabbath and for the trip. Bill Fry: Okay. But like all less-than-honest manipulators, he fails miserably to keep his story straight. He commanded that a special place be built in the bowels of the earth, where the sacred vessels of the Temple could be hidden in case of approaching danger. Beautiful encouragement to believing in the Lord. There's a very real chance that the longtime . WOE unto Antichrist Amerika! The country name is under wraps, as per Q5. In my view this is one of the real damages of religion. Audio Recording of Ron Wyatts Last Interview. A high school history teacher in New Jersey, David Paszkiewicz, has been using his position to proselytize students for Christianity. This answers your question. 1. The person(s) who have the tape are they waiting for the right time to release it? Starting at 9:00 in the video notice how Dr Carl Baugh and another scientist actually examine the site Ron Wyatt claims is the location of Noah's Ark. Sinai However my memory is certainly that it wasnt in the center of the cave; I think it was close to a wall at the back. And here's the result: Human cells normally have 46 chromosomes. (be careful what version of God's word you use to do the testing! On the fact that God is in charge and proves to be doing all this, I pray to have all the informational tapes and copies of these videos for myself to share with others as I share the Prophecies and Scripture to others in the church and out. After "workshopping" the names Lucille and Jolene, they ultimately chose Dolly. Why would the priests need the original ark today? "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" is a song from Disney's 1994 animated film The Lion King composed by English musician Elton John with lyrics by Tim Rice. Former President Donald Trump recently phoned into the conservative podcast "The Water Cooler" on Monday. Ron Wyatt was allowed by the angels to touch it, as he was an ordinary saved sinner forgiven for his sins by receiving Jesus Christs sacrifice on the cross! I did all my getting in the dark, so when the things kind of lighted up, I was really shocked by what I saw, that is the place had been cleaned out, and that there were four people in there. Single light fixed to the camera. Bill Fry: Okay, Anything else you want to add? The crack in the roof was clearly visible with the Blood still on it; the table was there in close-up, and many piles of skins. So, wait, he's saying it's possible for a fully developed human being to come from just the egg without the sperm fertilizing it?! Because of the limited lighting that wasnt possible. Steady? Why is this information not all over the web? Therefore, 23 chromosomes come from the mother and 23 from the father. My sole purpose in mentioning it here was to help strengthen the faith of some here whose confidence in Rons word may have been shaken by doubts. The case is scheduled to begin January 26th. Ron Wyatt: Im sorry. This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. At 17 minutes Ron relates what he was told about the 2 tables of stone of the 10 Commandments.Wyatts problem started because Israeli Antiquities didnt want him to tell anyone about his find, but he had already told some people. Mary Nell learned pretty well how to do what he does. Its not a biblical position and neither did Ron believe that. Bill Fry: Now let me ask you a question here. 98,773 103. Ron Wyatt: Well, it had, they had cleaned that one out, yeah. No. And so, anyway, at that point, just basically kept in mind that I was very, very scorned? I believe RON on all that Jesus showed him. Ron Wyatt was in Jerusalem in 1978, after having been diving at the Red Sea inspecting a possible site of the crossing by Moses at the Gulf of Aqaba, and was preparing to return to the states, when he was approached by a member of the Israeli Antiquities Authority who invited him to take a walk in the Garden Tomb grounds. By the whole thing. So Alisa Childers unpacks very carefully this new trend in Western Christianity that took over the torch from the Emergent Church which kind of [], In Exodus 19:4, God says to Moses, You have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore you on eagles wings and brought you to Myself. God has a place of refuge for His worldwide children when the Last Exodus begins. Prophetic Dreams3. They are in the chamber. Contact Us, Subscribe to our If you landed here, stay a while and look around. In June of 1999, the late Bill Fry, former president of Anchorstone International interviewed Ron Wyatt by phone concerning his experiences in the Ark of the Covenant chamber. Did Ron give it to him/her/them or whats the reason for them holding it back? Sinai, the Ark of the Covenant and, most ridiculously, the actual blood of Jesus Christ! That afternoon he had some specimens from the Red Sea Crossing and Noah's Ark for us to look at . An attempt was made some few years ago to excavate towards the direction of this chamber. So anyway, I went into the chamber and lowered myself in there, and of course, there, the thing that became apparent immediately was that the place was totally cleaned. 4:19 am. Does he have tracts that can be passed out in front of a local Taco Bell, by chance? He talks, "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Kaelyn is a nursing student at Lewis and Clark College in Lewiston and will soon . However, this does not apply to the most holy feature of the First Temple, the Ark. His wife too is the CEO of a multi-million business. It's not a coincidence that he is also a Baptist minister. Not m. There are many theories about what happened to the Ark of the Covenant, and speculation abounds as to its actual location. Your email address will not be published. He was such a humble man in every presentation he gave, always desiring to lead people to the Lord. Mary Nell Wyatt in front of the tunnel in Zedekiahs cave that Ron had opened, You can not change the world? I think if the Lord had wanted somebody to give a detailed account of the tape He would have chosen somebody other than me to see it! It was a difficult situation for an amateur shoot. He supported Ron and contributed significantly to Rons work, so he isnt ignorant. I remember that guy. If youre going to disbelieve anyone it should be Israeli Antiquities for putting Ron in that position. YouTube Channel There were 22 autosomal chromosomes, one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. The Wyatt mentioned deathbed confession speech mark of the beast, or Sunday observance religion decree was mentioned by an Angel near the discovered Arc of the Covenant, and as an advocacy for Europe by the current Pope of this 21st Century, since Trumps election. I believe whoever knows anything needs to obtain the most of the evidences and share them with the church. People who deny Christ's Divinity, that He is Lord of lords, are not privileged or qualified to represent Him in any way. Events turned out otherwise however, and the last order I had from the Lord was not to remove it from its present safe location. But this time, a student has been taping the, Thanks to Bartholomew for linking me to this blog by a rabbi named Lazer Brody who almost makes Yehuda Levin seem sane by comparison. Its the most popular question after the Ark itself). Self 2012 Myth Hunters (TV Series documentary) Self - Ark Hunter - The Quest for Noah's Ark (2012) . Obviously, this substance had dripped from the crack in the roof, and provision had been made for it to land on the Ark of the Covenant, as the stone lid had been cracked and moved aside. The Jews have no say to keep things quiet and nor does anyone who cares for the body of the church in these end days. Ron Wyatt: yeah, to set that up on a tripod, and which I set up primarily because it had been kind of drummed into my head that you wouldve got a better picture if you used a tripod. So anyway, I set this all up and aimed at the Ark of the Covenant. > 13. Bill Fry: That would be great, it would be great. The video playlist above includes a number of videos about the remarkable story of Ron Wyatt's (1933-1999) discovery of the Ark of the Covenant. > 8. We needn't point to bloodshed in it's name but rather the damage it does to legions of brains. Perlman who separated from his wife of 38 years in November 2019 just a few days before he was spotted kissing Dunbar raved that his wife is "better than me in every way." The couple met . Underwater maps reveal shallow slope between massive underwater canyons in waters of Red Sea. There, on a . > 11. Jian Di picked it [], Mausoleums of the Yellow Emperor [courtesy] Huangling County is located on the Loess Plateau of northwest China in Shaanxi Province. Watch Video . In fact apart from things like the lid of the stone box, it looked as though nobody had been in there for centuries. In June of 1999, the late Bill Fry, former president of Anchorstone International interviewed Ron Wyatt by phone concerning his experiences in the Ark of the Covenant chamber. [], Tommy is the true story from days gone by, about a handicapped boy who couldnt even leave his home. People like this do not sit about in the evenings flicking through the TV channels. Mt. Ron Wyatt: I think thats about it, Bill. Mary Nell on Ron Wyatt and the Ark of the Covenant REVISED. Bill Fry: Now, if I remember correctly, at that point you said, I dont, you didnt know what to do with the tables of stone, because you were holding them. to the message Ron Wyatt got, the Ark will be revealed around the time of the institution of the 666 Mark of the Beast. ALEXA WELCH EDLUND After that the entrance to the tunnel was closed off and sealed with concrete, as it presumably remains until today! Required fields are marked *. Ron Wyatt: I was going to make an attempt to get some video footage. Expdition 2007 1 529 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No et le Dluge Preuves Historiques et Scientifiques 1 588 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No la recherche de l'Arche de No As a heathen (i.e., a Jew), I feel compelled to nitpick: it's oy vey, not oi vey. Ron Wyatt: Um, yeah. This is a pretty good scientific video on the historical global Flood. The weekday name Wednesday originated in Wodans Day. If the calculational framework of general relativity is accepted, the damping can be used to calculate the speed, and the actual measurement confirms that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light to within 1%." So the Ark is Hidden, and hidden quite well, but it is not lost. And so, anyway, I said, Why do you ask? and he seemed a little distressed with the whole thing, you know, and he said, Well, I had a dream. And I dont remember if it was the night before I was talking to him, or that day, or anyway, it hadnt been too long since he had this dream, and he said, Ive been praying since I heard about the Ark of the Covenant, that the Lord would let me see what it looked like, I just felt a real burden to see what it looked like, and he said, I had this dream, and I was in this chamber in this dream, and he said, The Ark of the Covenant was right there in front of me. Basically, and he said, However, the wall behind the Ark of the Covenant, and he described it perfectly, you know. Even Bill hadnt seen it. this has not happened yet. The video, shot in the city of Pingxiang in Jiangxi Province on October 1, shows several screw-liked objects embedded inside a quartz stone. Okay, well, Ron, were gonna let you know, cause I know youre tired. The templeinstitute has no Ark page (404 errror) anymore and searches on the site are scant for ark. Under Study Tools pulldown menu where the Vessels of the Tabernacle are listed the Ark is conspicuously missing! However, when I did the excavation down the cliff face, I ran into cut-outs and we ran into crossholes, and the bottom of this ancient quarry that showed that this was a crucifixion and execution spot. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Ron Wyatt: Alright, now I do not want to get into details on that. Whilst in the chamber, Ron noticed a dried, black substance in an earthquake crack in the roof, above the Ark of the Covenant. Boatlike form is seen near Ararat. Ron Wyatt: The south side. Ron Wyatt was a Seventh Day Adventist, one of the multitudinous erring organizations full of error in doctrine and practice, and full of blasphemy. If Ivan Panin found 43,000 pages of Math in the scriptures, we have barely scratched the surface to God's ways. Ron Wyatt Amazing Discoveries Full - YouTube 0:00 / 1:20:00 Ron Wyatt Amazing Discoveries Full null 5.18K subscribers Subscribe 6.3K Share Save 388K views 7 years ago Ron Wyatt Amazing. ScienceBlogs is where scientists communicate directly with the public. Walmart Protestor Wins Preliminary Injunction, Messier Monday: A Secretly Active Spiral Galaxy, M77, Why does gravity move at the speed of light? Ron Wyatt: Yeah, and on top of the tables of stone, they were both there. Ron Wyatt: I think we ought to just skip that. American Legion Lloyd G. Mc Carter Post 25 presented a $500.00 scholarship to Kaelyn Blackwell (left) of St. Maries at the regular monthly meeting on January 3, 2023. This Endtime tract is inspired by The Lord of the Rings visions of the Last Days by Tolkien. ScienceBlogs is a registered trademark of Science 2.0, a science media nonprofit operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 1.UFO SIGHTINGS SOAR SINCE WW II. Ron Wyatt Biography. He is allied with Levin in trying to destroy the rights of gay Israelis to march through any means necessary, including violence. Richard also recalls the account of William Albright and Josephus relating to these cities. Signature in the Cell: Stephen Meyer Faces his Critics. It was only when he viewed the tape afterwards that he saw that the light had covered the Ark for the purpose of the recording. Ron Wyatt- The Ark of the Covenant 113K subscribers 613K views 7 years ago Ron Wyatt tells his account of his excavation in Jerusalem which culminated in his claim to have. That's just a guess. Because I know you told me that story, but, okay, thats fine if you dont want to get into that. The guy was certifiable, but boy do I miss the entertainment he provided. [2] Sisto has an older sister, Meadow Sisto, who is an actress mostly known for playing Caroline in the 1992 film Captain Ron. The Washington Post has a report on the new group. Video Ron Wyatt's Discoveries - Part 4 of 4 - Noah's Ark, 2017 (mirrored) Ron Wyatt's Discoveries - Part 4 of 4 - Noah's Ark, 2017 (mirrored) Credit: Rumble Duration: 49:40s about 21 hours . I remember being rather surprised at how low the roof was. Ron Wyatt discussed chromosome count in blood sample and impact of archaeological discoveries. I did ask him questions about the Ark, about the tables of stone, and about the book of the law. I was never into amateur video (I worked with B&W 1-inch tape on 12-inch reels) so I couldnt guess which system it was. Wyatt was a nurse anesthetist (now deceased) who claimed not only to have found Noah's Ark, but to have found virtually everything in Biblical archaeology that might be important to Christians - Noah's Ark, the exact place where the Red Sea was parted to allow the Israelites to escape Egypt, the true location of Mt. Video; 1v1 Debate Ron Wyatt's Noah's Ark, truth or fiction; 1v1 Debate Ron Wyatt's Noah's Ark, truth or fiction. They live very full, and sometimes dangerous, lives. Watch on. While routinely examining aerial photos of his country, a Turkish army captain suddenly gaped at the picture shown above. In each set of 23, 22 chromosomes are autosomal and one is sex-determining. Was the chamber cleared out? Did it look like Hi-8 video or something older? Bill Fry: You know well do everything we can. To be honest it looked dark bronze, but I suppose that was the effect of the camera light which probably had a predominantly blue spectrum. (Synopsis), Nonlinear Optics, Back-of-Envelope Numbers. Ron Wyatt: Well, we got it pretty close. Shaky? Ron was a very humble man, putting so much time and his own money also into what he was most passionate about, serving his lord. So, anyway, I at this point said, Well, just be grateful that you got to see inside the chamber, because Ill verify thats what it looks like. But then I said, I guess that I probably ought to do something to give a general idea of what the Ark of the Covenant looked like. May YHVH bless all with the HOLY SPIRIT to discern what is and is not truth, Yes he was, really Gods archaeologist. My name is Meranda, and my interest is the prophetic, and the supernatural side of God. Where does Jer. The section shot inside the cave was part of a longer tape, most of which contained other less dramatic stuff. Ron Wyatt: Oh, Okay. The Canaanite Altar Below Jekyll Island Hotel of Federal Reserve Infamy, From Noah to Hercules - What History Says about Early Man. play the audio & video files. he wrote Bible verses on little pieces of paper and threw them out of his third story [], The World To Come- is a hope giving Heavenly City English Gospel Tract for Download about Revelation 21 & 22. So we were thinking about maybe getting some copies printed up for handing out down at the meeting. At the time, Ron was just weeks away from his death in August of 1999. In the case of Edward Crayton, the man protesting Walmart's pro-gay policies who is being represented by the ACLU, a Federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction allowing him to continue his protests pending the outcome of the case. So I went back to the cave to ask the angel what I should do with that, and he said I should put it on the tables of stone. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. Furthermore it says that this water and blood is the testimony, or witness of God to the world, testifying to us that His Son died, If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his SonAnd this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Ron Wyatt's Death Bed Confession Confirms He's Telling The Truth About The Ark of The Covenant & Mark of The BeastCheck out Ron Wyatt Video Presentation of h. Pretty sad, but it was worth the broken irony meters. Earth's 2.345 BC Axial Tilt & Other Cover-Ups Never Mentioned & Fully Ignored even by 'Alternative' Historians! I never talked to him specifically about the tape. Ron says he was told by angels in the chamber that the information would be made known to the world after the Mark of The Beast was introduced. 1 1 821 Dec 8, 2016 Roy des Francs Clovis Ier 413 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No et le Dluge Arche Retrouve ! That information might assist those who want to find the tape. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Ron Wyatt's Discoveries - Part 3 of 4 - Ark of the Covenant, 2017 (mirrored): Ron Wyatt's.. News video on One News Page on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 A Roman soldier speared Christ in His side in order to make sure He was dead, and blood and water poured out (John 19:34). And then I just stood there with the tables of stone, and the angel came and got them, and took them from my hands, and put them on a stone shelf, or ledge, whatever. Download A5 4 pager. 12:59 am. GBY! The dimensions and character of New Jerusalem that our departed loved ones are already enjoying. His little friend brought him a Bible and Tommy got saved. That solves one mystery. The Set It Up actress and husband Wyatt Russell, who share son Buddy, welcomed a new puppy in January 2023. Eyewitness Testimony About Ark of the Covenant Video, Ron Wyatt The Ark of the Covenant Jan. 1999, Ron Wyatt Responds To False Accusations. They also show in the video many "mud flows" that if this one . Im having just a little bit of trouble hearing you. UFOs have been seen by millions of people from all kinds of backgrounds; civilian, scientific, religious, military etc. Ron says that he was told by an angel in the Chamber that the information would be made known to the world after the Sunday Law was passed. Ron Wyatt: Right, you know its part of the wall right near the exit. Together with our combined gifts and talents, we can be a remnant God can use mightily. Ron Wyatt a Con Man?! And that is, that I got a phone call from this fellow, and he says, Ron, he says, would you describe what the Ark of the Covenant, what it looked like, to me? On STACLU I left a one-word response along with a link to the complete dismantling you gave the claim a while back. (The official position of the Islamic Wakf, the body that governs over the Temple Mount, is that there never was a Holy Temple, and that the Jews have no rights whatsoever to the place). I'll prognosticate here and suggest they analysed carbon in the samples, and found it to be in the range of 0.7 - 0.8%. > 7. And I know that sounds a little science fictionish, but. Because I sure dont want Yasser Arafat ending up with it. This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. 3:16 fit into all of this? So anyway, I went into the chamber and lowered myself in there, and of course, there, the thing . 1st - I suggest all whom are interested to watch Ron's footage in entirety, especially his lectures. Share. Store Ron Wyatt: Ive verbalized that there have been people that have died, and theyve put two and two together because, you know, working there, they were giving orders to me not to be able to do anything more, and God rescinded that, they all died, so of course, they put all that together. This is why people started calling Ron a fraud. From the www.arkdiscovery website we learn that Ron Wyatt died on August 4, 1999. In color? If you do not have the Real, NOAH'S ARK . So Ron flew to Israel and went inside the chamber where he found all six men dead and cross-eyed! It is well done and well worth purchasing. Thanks! Selke Trophy. And so, anyway, he told me to set up my, um. Welcome to the Ron Wyatt discoveries Facebook group!! The fascinating finding in this blood was that instead of 46 chromosomes, there were only 24. Ron has since shown proof that they did know him. Ron Wyatt: Yeah, he told me that it had to do with when these were to be shown to the world. Those threads were pure comedy. 3:18 In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers. Bill Fry: So thats how you ended up finding that. Acc. I have prayed for many years to learn of the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant. But the angel said Sunday law. Bill Fry: Okay. The tape stays where it is.. You people are barking up the wrong tree. It was only when Bill Fry intercepted a post of mine to this list that I realised that this was not so. The new think tank will work to promote science and reason in public policy. Her is the same one in found in English. Employee communication. . And that proof will stay throughout eternity. Ron Wyatt: yeah, to set that up on a tripod, and which I set up primarily because it had been kind of drummed into my head that you wouldve got a better picture if you used a tripod. So anyway, I set this all up and aimed at the Ark of the Covenant. Was the stone case that held the ark in the middle of the chamber or up against one of the sides? While some claim to have evidence that the ark is in Ethiopia, and of course, moviegoers were treated to a fanciful version of the story in Raiders of the Lost Ark, in reality, the expression lost ark is not an accurate description for the Jewish peoples point of view because we have always known exactly where it is. The underwhelming evidence is here (scroll down): That story has been covered here already, but now there has been an update courtesy of, who elsethe WorldNutDaily! Tradition records that even as King Solomon built the First Temple, he already knew, through Divine inspiration, that eventually it would be destroyed. Sisto's parents divorced and his father then married fabric artist Penny . [From going to Visitor Centre on that site, because the referred page does not exist any more, then go to FAQ and then there is the above information on the Ark of the Covenant which certainly does not negate Ron Wyatts version.]. Yeah, I leaned in and picked the tables of stone and backed away, and they lowered the mercy seat back into position. Are the golden poles still either on or around the ark? What does the Table of Showbread look like? It was in a separate container, within walls, a stone box. They werent piled in a corner; they were heaped everywhere, all over the floor and everything else. Did you see the 7 branch candlestick and if so what did it look like? I last viewed it some years ago and my visual memory is not great (Im far better with words). Bill Fry: Right, its not really an issue. But Ill be back in touch with you and e-mail you a copy before we post anything. Ron says that he changed it to The Mark . Ron Wyatt: No, Its not. Some unknown Christian prayed for a Christian wife for him and years later they met again and compared notes; Prayer was answered! Joseph Ron Wyatt: And there is a little bit of conundrum: it wasnt stated as the mark of the beast law, it was stated, when the Sunday law, but I tell people, and I think its wiser to tell people that, since its not lying or deceiving, is that when the mark of the beast law is in force. No. Sorry. Its an earlier tape. Bill Fry: If you would, and Ive already talked to Mary Nell about this, please pray for me in this meeting, because I really think the Lords presenting opportunity here. Video of Ron Wyatt Discoveries of Ron Wyatt by dennis schelles is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. What happened after that? I am sure the maker has visited our blog as he uses some of our graphics and maybe got a few ideas from our articles. Ron Wyatt died after a lengthy battle with cancer last Wednesday, but his quest to provide information that would lead to more people accepting the teachings of the Bible continues at Wyatt Archeological Research, a non-profit, non-denominational organization in Tennessee. Ron Wyatt: Two things were stated; one that if I was faithful I would have the privilege of sharing this, and the second was that when the mark of the beast law was in force, that shortly after that, was when this would take place. This may be an appropriate time to mention publicly that I and several other Christians have watched with our own eyes a video which Ron shot inside the cave before the furniture was re-arranged. Ron Burgundy Direct-to-DVD; also writer Oh, What a Lovely Tea Party: Himself Documentary 2005 The Wendell Baker Story: Dave Bix Kicking & Screaming: Phil Weston Bewitched: Jack Wyatt Wedding Crashers: Chazz Reinhold Uncredited Winter Passing: Corbit The Producers: Franz Liebkind: 2006 . UFOs look like wingless spacecraft without obvious engines and come in different shapes: discs, [], Christians are careful, afraid to call a spade a spade, often accused by present day progressive cultural Marxist Critical Theory of being judgmental, so we often have to walk on eggs. According to Ron Wyatt, the seemingly dead blood was placed in a growth medium for three days in a Jerusalem laboratory under his request and became alive, a chromosome count being performed on the live blood, with the discovery of only twenty-three chromosomes being made, surprising the scientists greatly. Grainy footage or clear? Ron Wyatt: Well, were more or less getting things into a routine. 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