He was never sexually unfaithful to Moira. I have never been a willing participant in Alex Salmonds advances towards me, and never will be.. The average man is more likely to be enthused by this stuff than the average woman. 2. them. Dial 0207 660 8149 and listen to request for your code which is 183 737 8571. Join the conversation with other Spectator readers. Makes you wonder why they got her involved in the first place if she was never that capable? deputy director of European affairs for (say)the Earth Institute or Brookings or a health related pandemic thinktank/forecasting unit. This is what the Fabiani Farce is really all about. Pool hall plans tabled for Aberdeen Arches, homes at old Banchory bus depot and Traveller site near Kemnay to expand, When Jeff Beck and Rod Stewart brought Hi Ho Silver Lining and heavy rock to Aberdeens Douglas Hotel, Two well-known hospitality figures team up to create new business, Weekend court roll revenge porn and a terminal ill paedophiles plea for mercy, Dealers stashed drugs, cash and equipment in secluded Highland spots as part of 650,000, Paedophile jailed after being found with 17 days worth of child abuse videos, Man violently attacked partner at Aberdeen hotel over her refusal to play card game, Mixed fortunes for Aberdeen shopping centres as more stores open up in Union Square, Man claimed he was police officer to frighten teens after being offended by the, Man caught with 50,000 cannabis in suitcase didnt know what was inside, Four arrested after cannabis farm discovered at Huntly Arms Hotel in Aboyne, BrewDog boss north-east CBD start-up lands sales deal with online giant Amazon, Car lands on roof following crash on A90 at Craibstone Junction, Four-time cancer survivor plunges into freezing Loch Ness for charity, Man, 43, due in court in connection with death of 'fun loving' Jacqueline Kerr, Queen Consort celebrates 10 years as Aberdeen University chancellor with visit to new science, Crash involving a lorry on the A90 near Kingswells, A95 reopened after air ambulance takes man, 41, to Raigmore Hospital, Plans for desperately-needed new Highland schools up in the air as crucial budget meeting, Nairn County's Scott Davidson in goal hunt after injury comeback, Sean Wallace: Aberdeen, Kilmarnock and Scottish football let down by refereeing calls in League, Wick's Orkney-based striker Jamie Flett thrilled to get Highland League chance, Heavy snow causing treacherous driving conditions across the north and north-east, Interested in working along the NC500? Inside the SNP, they do not know what lies ahead for Miss Sturgeon and Mr Salmond. What a surprise. Miss Sturgeon had hoped she could move on from what had been her worst week as First Minister. Her PR firm boasts of possessing "the best little black book [of contacts] in Scotland" [12]. Massive development this, when you think of the implications. 11 February, 2021 at 10:48 am I suspect its the former but theyre not as smart as they think they are and so its rapidly turning into the latter. how do i prove im not watching live tv on any channel?. But you she really is underwhelming, as Ive Even Alex didnt stoop that low. ), Counsel for the Spectator is applying for changes to the court order, passed during the Alec Salmond trial, to prevent the identification of the complainers in that case.. Was she Jennifer Dempsie at that time or Mrs Ruari Beaton? Whats a heptagon cross, sounds interesting. Before, we had people who were part of a team with one leader. I think the other is Liz Lloyd? But it is far more rare for their current boss to express that type of anger in front of them. Jennifer Dempsie, 25, has been appointed a media spin doctor, Geoff Aberdein, 24, will liaise between the parliament and the government, and John McFarlane, 25, has been given a key policy . Premium content exclusive to our subscribers, About Us 275 Years of The Press and Journal, Construction worker dies at Baird Family Hospital site in Aberdeen, Cannabis farm equipment on industrial scale removed from Aboynes Huntly Arms Hotel, Four charged after cannabis farm discovered at Huntly Arms Hotel in Aboyne, Forensic officers remain at Sunnyside Road flat two days after womans body found, Mystery plaid donated to Glenesk Museum is older and rarer than first thought. This ring-fenced money thing. Your choice of course but you dont get refunded your legal costs even if found innocent (or no case to answer). It was the year of the NATO vote. Ok so the evidence can be published and as long as no one outs themself we can proceed on the basis no one is identified? Thisll be another one the MSM are just waiting to detonate around April. Alec Prentice says the Crown has no objections to the proposed change to the order in order to clarify the situation. He now works for Andrew Wilsons (SNP Growth Comission) company that is full of rich shady ex banker types , these are the people who are really pulling the strings of the SNP https://charlottestpartners.co.uk/kevin-pringle/ , https://charlottestpartners.co.uk/andrew-wilson/ , https://charlottestpartners.co.uk/about-us/. People like me have been saying for some time that this is only going to end in tears.. He is now freelance. There was a group of us, we were three, he told two detective chief inspectors involved in the Police Scotland investigation into allegations of sexual assault by Salmond, called Operation Diem. BLMac says: Stu, A couple of days ago, some bright spark spotted the double spacing to defeat word search in the documents. As a former SNP candidate in a target seat and indeed a long time on the NEC it is getting embarrassing. Is he related to Dominic Cummings? So the SNP/SG have got a former political editor of the Daily Mail AND Murray Foote of The Vow fame working for them? So when Angus Robertson had the affair 2014/2015 with another woman. The alarm bells should be ringing.. The trial, which is expected to last for three to four weeks, also heard that the crown and defence teams had agreed that Salmond rarely stayed overnight at Bute House in May 2014. While he refused to dispute the version of events provided by Mr Aberdein, a personal friend who shares his love of Aberdeen Football Club, Mr Nicolson accused Mr Salmonds aides whom he notably referred to as the other side of a vendetta against Miss Lloyd, citing a reference in an opinion piece by a political journalist suggesting that Mr Salmond is looking for blood and that Miss Lloyd is ominously high on his wanted list. Jackie Baillie has been okish during this but she can f**k off with the above. So when Angus Robertson had the affair 2014/2015 with another woman. Why didnt the Parliament petition the court themselves on the basis that the current order is hindering their inquiries into what went wrong? Be really good if a proper journalist might just question that phrase for once, and say, in what way did the legal system let them down? Seems there are a lot more pieces to this jigsaw than the box declares. Geoff Aberdein gave full and truthful evidence to the committee as he is obliged to do. People need to be VERY careful what they say at this point in time unless money to pay QCs hourly rates is of no object to them. Neil Drysdale: What's the best alternative anthem if Flower of Scotland needs replacing? 11 February, 2021 at 1:14 pm Theyre a dirty bunch Mr Wings. The decision to award the 150,000 grant has been mired in controversy after it emerged a former aide to Alex Salmond set up the crucial meeting between Ms Hyslop and the festival organisers. The public figure, who is not being named for legal reasons, told the high court in Edinburgh that the woman took part in a small private dinner with him, Salmond and a third guest at Bute House in Edinburgh, the first ministers official residence, in June 2014. He accompanied the former First Minister to the talks at Miss Sturgeons modest home in a middle-class housing estate in Lanarkshire along with former MSP Duncan Hamilton, Mr Salmonds lawyer. H previously told the court she had been wearing a skirt and that Salmond had been drunk that night, but did not mention there was a fourth person at the dinner apart from Salmond and the celebrity. And Lloyd is within his groping distance surely thats a bit risky. John Pentland, Liam McArthur, Mark Griffin and Liz Smith said: There has been no adequate explanation as to what the money was used for.. Yes, regarding Robertson the Odious, allegedly he wasnt a very nice guy re his first wife. Act now, or you will lose your licence on 28 February 2021. They are all equally dishonourable. It was the beginning of a series of events which, if proof were needed, showed that the 30-year friendship between Miss Sturgeon and Mr Salmond was over. I see Geoff Aberdein next to Alex, Campbell Gunn at the back behind Alex, LL on the right. Good find. Hate to be pedantic & burst a bubble but if you look at what is projected on the wall behind the group in the photo it says: Alex Salmond But the problem is that, as a nationalist party, the SNP is inevitably big on concepts and thunderous political rhetoric and dreaming big dreams and all the rest of it. The sooner theyre booted out of Holyrood, the better. She believed that referring herself to the independent advisers on the ministerial code of conduct for an investigation last Sunday would buy her some time and end the daily onslaught of negative media coverage. He regularly used to explode when confronted by negative newspaper headlines. In his pre-recorded police interview, the celebrity said H, a former Scottish government official, had been at the dinner that night and was known to him as someone involved in the independence campaign. IMO, that photo is a composite image which doesnt bear visual scrutiny. It will be a tough act to follow, but if selected, I believe my experience at Holyrood, the Scottish Government, and as an advisor to the former first minister as well as working in PR and journalism in the private sector, willstand me in good stead to deliver on the priorities of the people of Aberdeenshire East.. Once more, were in the uncomfortable position of agreeing with Jackie Baillie.. They will. In 1999 Duncan Hamilton had a brief encounter with Jane Smith (daughter of the late Labour leader). She had also said the meeting was arranged only because Mr Salmond had something to tell her relating to party business. Still this is splendid news and goes some way to reaffirming not only that justice needs to be done, but needs to be seen to be done for it to carry any trust from the public. 13 March 2017 Two weeks into the New Year, Angus Robertson, the deputy party leader, called a top-secret summit of SNP insiders at the Craigellachie Hotel in Moray. This week ex SNP staffer and Salmond adviser Jennifer Dempsie was named in some outlets as having secured 150,000 for TinthePark from Fiona Hyslop. I have never read a word written by that ex-pat moaning old git in France that make sense or is the basis of a decent exchange of views. We all risk our freedoms otherwise. Jennifer Dempsie, a former Salmond SpAd, recently. The committee is duty-bound to do all it can to get to the reasons why the Scottish Governments procedures were so badly flawed and why the women involved were so badly failed to do so, we must have all the evidence available and the chance to question Mr Salmond.. Oh! But even though nobodys ever voted for him and almost nobody knows what he looks like, it seems he now gets to announce government policy and issue instructions to Parliamentary committees on how they should go about their business. From the left, Stephen Gethins head looks to have been badly superimposed on a much older mans body. But he said the three of them were left alone after the pleasantries and small talk was out of the way, with Miss Sturgeon and Mr Salmond talking privately in another part of the house, which features a reading room filled with books, a compact kitchen fitted with a 1,000 coffee machine and a comfortable living room with a colourful floral feature wall straight out of a new-build home brochure. Lady Dorian asks for the Advocate Deputes view on the proposed change to the order. Sounds like a campaigning video, with a very firm attack on the nonsense Growth Commission. She insisted it was a new, organic website which was changing all the time, and denied the phrase "people o' independent mind" implied support for the campaign. . Pressed by McCall to admit she had willingly kissed and caressed Salmond in 2013, H said: Thats not true. Post-colonial literature is relatively clear about the decolonisation process: the dominant National Party pampered bourgeoisie elite reaches its own accommodation with colonialism, which is not in rhythm with the wider independence movement, National Party and colonial authorities attack and smear independence radicals who seek a more rapid move to independence, further new National Parties are created (there are now 6 pro-indy parties in Scotland), newer pro-indy parties have more focused strategies on seeking an early resolution and move to independence, the colonial power increases its level of opposition and dirty tricks. I know it exists from personal experience . Ref Watch: Was VAR operational for Ryan Kent's 'punch' on Aberdeen's Liam Scales - and why wasn't ref Nick Walsh sent to monitor if it was? Does Nicola Sturgeon ever employ anyone other than yoons ? Fearing that her mentor had turned on her and was actively trying to bring her down, Miss Sturgeon declared war by signing off an unprecedented early morning statement dismissing the claims and accusing Mr Salmonds team of trying to smear her. What are they seeking to acheive? Dont suppose theres a caption with names to go with that photo? Which is probably why Cummings was so protected. Surely a public statement of the truth by him would clear things up! Was Jennifer Dempsie not the one who had set her sights on Salmond in a romantic sense but then ended up with sloppy seconds Robertson. Then again, the SNPs signature policy independence is a radical proposal that also frightens some people. . 11 February, 2021 at 12:50 pm. 3. Sandie Brindley of RCS will be on the Radio Scotland 12:00 lunchtime programme to comment on the Spectator case. But the strongly worded attacks angered some within the party who think it plays into the hands of their opponents and makes it impossible to make the party look united. This is significant. https://www.gov.scot/publications/special-advisers-july-2018/, SPADS expenses etc 2020 Weve already had a court say the original process was unlawful. Achnababan says: One minister admitted to this being a low point for the party and said that an early general election or an early Holyrood vote called as a result of failing to pass the Budget would cause serious problems. Interestingly I dont see Kevin Pringle anywhere. One senior Nationalist said: Derek Mackay is the obvious heir apparent in terms of his experience, the different strands of government hes worked in, hes moved up through the ranks. Who is the red haired female? When Kevin Pringle wasnt around to sign off a press release you sent it to Nicolson, so Pringle rated him. This shit show has gone on long enough. And that meant that the Scottish Labour party spent a great deal of time resisting Blairism, just as it will, if returned to power next year (as the polls suggest it will be) do its utmost to preserve the status quo. Thought this was going to be about the position of Special Advisers in the Ministerial Code. Judge is giving Spectator QC hard time. Coincidentally the only pro-independence party so far proposing an independence plebiscite at this Mays election is Solidarity. This site will be closed down if there is the slightest excuse. Uuuuuhu. Can someone clarify for the hard of thinking. Lady Dorian ammends the order adding Of such complianers in the proceedings, with written reasons to follow. Anyone manage to get in? Is there any hope this depressing shit show will be over any time soon? things like the Spectator court case, and when you praise Jackie Baillie for asking tough questions. @Aperson jennifer dempsie alex salmond. 1. But surely Tuesday night was something special, when Mr Robertson and his wife, Jennifer Dempsie - the former journalist, one-time Alex Salmond aide and sometime facilitator of pop concerts. Anyone got a view on how the Spectator case is going? . Somehow that feels more and more like Al Capone going down for tax evasion. @sylvia re LL and NC, good point. I cant tell whether they think theyll still wriggle out of this or were seeing a scorched earth campaign in action. Mr Salmond is accused of carrying out the assaults at his . Its almost enough to make a person vote for a working class republican socialist party! They want Nicola to have the last word because the last words are remembered. That kind of international policy seems the kind of issue which seems much more likely to create a real split than Is a man in a dress literally a woman? But not a debate those behind it would want the party members or public having. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. often said before the person at the meeting who That is just re-smearing Alex Salmond by the back door. In one source, this is even tied to previous innuendo of 'links between Alex Salmond and media baron Rupert Murdoch, as well as businesspeople like Donald Trump and Ineos . What a joke. 11 February, 2021 at 12:39 pm Alex Salmond was not a supporter of the above trio (not a threesome-heaven forfend) Salmond spoke out against the Iraq war and was clearly not on board with the dominant neocon ideology. For the first time since 2007, some SNP members admit it could be in freefall. Ruth Davidsons former Director of Communications(Jan 14 -Dec 19) Eddie Barnes was another Daily Mail alumnus. Alec Prentice says the Crown has no objections to the proposed change to the order in order to clarify the situation. You took the words right out of my mouth. Even if you ignore the bloody Braveheart wing of the party, the intellectual, cost-benefit analysis types within the SNP are ascetic number-crunchers, not the type of retail politicians best suited to the age. Im at a loss to understand what authority the Scottish Government thinks it has over a man they have wronged so shamelessly. If Twitter can do it, then why cant Wings. Mr Salmond will stand down as Aberdeenshire East MSP next year following his election as the MP for Gordon in May. I guess youd need to know what the event was to know the answer. There is a huge choice. About five years ago, when the licence rep visited, he was happy enough to be told I dont watch TV and use the screen solely for DVDs or streaming. These women have not been let down. Geoff Aberdein next to Alex yes? Would-be SNP candidate Dempsie, left, with Alex Salmond FORMER SNP leader Gordon Wilson has criticised an ex-adviser to Alex Salmond about her involvement in helping secure 150,000 of Scottish Government cash for T in the Park after being hired by the festival. Yep, Alison, that makes sense, he knows all the stuff they got up to. So Tories, Labour and SNP have/had ex Daily Mail advisors, https://www.holyrood.com/inside-politics/view,perception-is-everything-how-politicians-public-servants-and-corporate-bosses-learn-the-art-of-spin_8551.htm. Alex Salmond, centre, arriving at Edinburgh high court on Tuesday. Some activists visiting Aberdeen might also ask themselves why this party of fairness and justice has allowed Jennifer Dempsie, the PR specialist at the heart of the T in the Park imbroglio, to. You turn up to the slopes and, instead of fresh white powder, youre greeted by a mass of sludge slowly liquefying into green-brown mud. He was never sexually unfaithful to Moira.. Kiwilassie says: But as youre reading this, the High Court is hearing a legal challenge that could blow all that obstruction to smithereens. If you doubt that then ask Craig Murray. You are on the verge of identifying one of the alphabet women and unless you actually work for the Scottish MSM you run the very real risk of being charged with contempt of court. We see Scot Gov now no better than Westminster, sadly. No, not that kind, the vote-winning kind. If Miss Lloyd knew that Mr Salmond intended to discuss the allegations by government employees, which he denies, why didnt her boss? Joanna is making the best of a bad job whilst at the same time giving the bloated one the finger. https://archive.is/7HjKR. Anything that deflects from that purpose is blocked and smothered. The SNP is beyond redemption and this countrys institutions have resoundingly failed the people they exist to serve, while our leaders and their close associates get fat off the public purse whilst using spurious legal arguments, threats of imprisonment, outright lies and general obfuscation to hide their true activities from the public gaze. Jennifer Dempsie, a former special adviser to Mr Salmond, was working on a contract for DF Concerts as a project manager on the festival when she arranged a meeting for Mr Ellis with Ms Hyslop. Thats what its there for. Suppose it could, crikey I sat opposite him If I can see the current situation is legally farcical, then Im sure a Judge will too. He had all the stuff ready to go when they pulled the case(JR) just before LL was due to take the stand. Stuart Nicolson is a very elusive man. Alex Salmond always came across as an intelligent, canny and shrewd operator, but look at this situation with Mrs. Murrell and the accusers and there he is in that photo with this Stuart Nicolson. This has already been said not quite spelled out clearly enough: The Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints is trial No. Thats a significant gap. Jennifer Dempsie, a senior figure behind-the-scenes in the. I think it is a leaving photo. One aspect that might be worth pursuing, I genuinely dont know, so everyone pile in, is a letter (to be published) to the SNP expressing your concerns that the money has been embezzled, providing the SNP with an opportunity to re-imburse you within a certain time limit (and no reply will be considered as a refusal) and that failure to do so will result in you making the complaint a formal one to Police Scotland. This FOI of Nicolsons diary 17/18 could be of interest, havent read it. Alan Mackintosh says: Holyrood mulls drastic booze marketing restrictions, Scotland's 20p bottle and can recycling rules: Five key questions, Fashion retailer Quiz closes its store in Aberdeen's Bon Accord Centre and moves instead to Union Square, 'It's for everyone': Plans unveiled for Moray to get its own flag, Top cop says 'creative solutions' needed to keep youths from causing trouble in Aberdeen - but parents must act too. They do not want Alex to appear last under any circumstances because he is just as strong an orator as Nicola and what he says will have more effect if he goes last. Her judgment is in serious doubt. Interesting tweet from Tompkins MSP (Con) today, https://twitter.com/ProfTomkins/status/1359534914627137537, BREAKING SNP branded 'a joke' for refusing to hand over Alex Salmond inquiry documents after second vote defeat in parliament Some of the main players - Salmond, Sturgeon, Kenny MacAskill and the FM's husband, Peter Murrell, Chief Executive of the SNP. I would be astonished if they could compel Mr Salmond to do anything. What really hurt her was that the stories appeared to have been briefed directly from her mentors team. Its not hard to guess where the ring fenced moneys gone. On the list, 35% of men voted for the SNP, but only 27% of women. Yup, only cards that appear in the curated packs are included in the tier list :). Its not abundantly clear to me what it is.