He could have everything without dropping a single iota of blood, sweat, or tears. So we reached out to Ron Fernandez and he admitted he was never in the military. There are 3 emails apologizing as the last 3 pictures in the picture section. A non profit group set up to help former Green Berets. I pulled MSG XXXXX and CPT XXXXXXX in and aired my suspicion. is that white shirt even a thing? Anthony Travis the fake Green Beret. He boasted of a Purple Heart, Bronze Star. "I love my right-wing friends who talk about the tree of liberty is water of the blood of patriots," he said. Dana claimed he hurt his knees because of too many parachute jumps and couldn't run across the battlefield anymore. We always try and reach out to these guys yet couldn't get this fake Green Beret to answer the phone. SF Brother's Remembrance Chips for Gravesite visits. 3rd is before I got there too. 13) Ron Fernandez the fake Green Beret in his fake uniform. NOT!! He was NEVER ASSOCIATED WITH, ASSIGNED TO, in SUPPORT OF, or attended ANY TRAINING that would qualify his claim of being an 18D. My approach was that I was doing him a favor and cited the main problems with his video and his other claims online, such as the SF medic and the 54 combat jumps claims, and others, and he dug in, offering absurd explanations that we so absurd that they were hard for me to follow. Other than an Iraq Campaign Medal Ribbon, I don't recall what other campaign ribbons he wore. At the time I didn't put 2 and 2 together that Cp Atterbury's AC/RC unit is under 1st Army (USAR). Nick George, 757 missions, shot 31 times, 2 Silver Stars, 6 Purple Hearts All bogus. According to the article posted by the Second Amendment Foundation's Investigative Journalism Project, Campbell has issued an apology to the Guardians of the Green Beret, but we haven't seen it posted anywhere yet. Yes. The United States Army Special Forces (SF), also known as the Green Berets because of their distinctive service headgear, are a special operations force tasked with six primary missions: unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, hostage rescue, and counter-terrorism. It's funny,he still said we had the wrong last name. We're pretty sure he knew then and there the gig was up. We're not sure when Rudi Gresham started living the lie but from a picture he shared, it looks like it dates pre'71. As with many of these guys, they get put to the side when other more pressing cases come in and then they slip through the cracks. NOT!! SFC Bennie Adkins, while serving with Detachment A-102, Camp A Shau, Republic of Vietnam, 5th SFG(A), 1st Special Forces. Insofar as the pics attached 1st is Ron and his wife at one of our functions. #AnthonyTravis, #AnthonyTravisNielsen, #AnthonyRaids, #TravisAnthony #LiveFastCollective, #LiveFastBrand, Categories: Hall of ZeroesNumber of views: 26005. Guardians of the Green Beret lists dozens of cases on its website of individuals the group said falsely claim to be members of that special forces unit. At the time I never really registered the difference in RC components (ARNG vs. USAR), and Ron passed it off as having "just changed command" in Morgantown, WV, and just getting settled in at Cp Atterbury (but this wasn't his drill weekend). It must have felt good. Taken from his facebook. Ron arrived in ASUs and bloused boots w/ just enough stuff that seemed legit and didn't draw questions. Mike Mika has twice, along with Rudi Gresham the fake Green Beret claimed that Rudi spent 12 years in the S.C. National Guard and that's where he attained the rank of LTC. Caps, mtzen und hte kauft man am besten auf Hatstore.ch Gratis verzending va. CHF 49 Gestalte dein eigenes Cap online Kauf auf Rechnung What are the chances a personsit down across the desk from a guy youre trying to impress and potentially get a job from and you're BOTH Green Berets? These chips can also be displayed in coin collections and be given as gifts to Gold Star Family Members and others, simply letting the our community know we do say their names daily and honor their commitment and sacrifice. I guess he never thought he would hurt and shame his family to the extent he ended up doing so. In the meantime, I shared all of this w/ MSG XXXXX, CPT XXXXXXX, MSGs(R) XXXXXXXand XXXXX, LTCs(R) XXXXXXXXand XXXX, COL(R) XXXXXX, and my HR tech Ms. XXXXXXXXXXX. COL Bob Howardserved five tours in Vietnam and is the only soldier in our nation's history to be nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honor three times for three separate actionswithin a thirteen month period. Reply . Apparently he submitted two applications with DD214s that were rejected by the veterans service organization. Yes, I am a Green Beret. Rap Peavy claimed to be a Green Beret for decades to help sell cars. I got there at 0945. We will never outsomeone unless we are100% certainvia FOIA and Bragg. CSM Reggie claims to have had 25 years in Special Operations Command and told our investigator that he served in 5th SFG(A). 2) Ron Fernandez at a UC ROTC function. Unable to recall the cadet's name or look up the Facebook profile where the pics were posted. We are a store with 100% focus on headwear. False, Records do NOT support this claim,he never went to Vietnam, False, He seems to have received Med Corpsman (91A10)training in basic yet never held that as a duty MOS. No It APPEARS that he has taken some of MY SF TRAINING, HISTORY and BACKGROUND, claimed it as his own, and further EMBELLISHED those stories for his own video game centered bravado. The Green Beret Foundation(GBF) reached out to us about a week ago asking if we could verify an Anthony Travis Nielsen. I never saw this until I saw all the pics together at the same time (see below). He appears to be shutting down his business - https://livefastbrand.com - and social media sites, so you could get errors if you try to click on them. It was getting harder for Anthony Travis Nielsen the fake Green Beret to claim we were on the wrong guy. NOT!! In honor of our fallen Green Berets, SF Brothers in collaboration w/ Excalibur Industries, have come up with these high quality Remembrance Chips. Waffle Slayer. This is almost unbelievable. It must have been awesome to him to take on a persona. Secondly, it is my hope that Mr Prouix owns up to his lies. He was a CAR STEREO SALESMAN and INSTALLER on Yadkin Road the ENTIRE TIME I KNEW HIM. My Recon buddy told me after that meeting that Richard called him 3 times last night and finally talked to him this morning, asking who I am and what I might want. Strst utbud av kepsar, mssor & hattar. In the spring of 2015 we did our fall FTX at Cp Atterbury, IN. What we know Anthony Travis Nielsen the fake Green Beret served on active duty from 2/28/11 until 6/10/11. After that I called 4th RTB at Benning. 5th is our 2015 dining out; I'm far left, Ron is hiding behind then-SFC (XXXXX) XXXXX XXXX, and the other tall guy is then-MSG XXXX XXXXX(now MSG(R) and the recruiting opns officer at UC Army ROTC). But he dug in. John Medlock had problem both in and out of the service. Feeling like a hero, getting recognition, and being treated like a hero in addition to fellowship with real warriors was too much to pass up. Feeling like a hero, getting recognition, and being treated like a hero in addition to fellowship with real warriors was too much to pass up. He was a 13B in the Utah National Guard. I reached out to XXXXwho said there's "no way" any of it was true. When will this clown give it up? Well done. Categories RSSExpand/CollapseSPECIAL FORCES MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTS (9) RSSExpand/CollapseHall of Heroes (11) Asked my Recon buddy. Looks like he did 2 years active duty. Brad Hynde; phony Green Beret. This guy wanted to be a Green Beret so bad he faked it to the grave. This is not a bullying or shaming forum. You can click this link to hear him in his own words. He could have everything without dropping a single iota of blood, sweat, or tears. Franco K Webb the fake Green Beret will now be added to Guardiansofthegreenberet.com hall of zeroes forever. Ourphone call with him is included immediately after the one we found of him claiming SF. The red beret is a military beret worn by many military, paramilitary, commando, and police forces and should not be confused with the maroon beret worn by airborne troops all around the world. 15 talking about this. i never knew that, Ol' "Sarge" here talking all kinds of crap and stuff after he was exposedLOL. The Guardians of the Green Beret became suspicious when Sturgeon said he was a Canadian citizen, which would have made it difficult to get the necessary security clearance to serve as a Green Beret. This is almost unbelievable. People probably don't realize what it would be like for me to ever actually meet a phony Green Beret. Later that day I remember we went to the Shoppette and Ron was eating a hotdog and said something about being diabetic not sure why that stuck in my head but didn't raise concern then. This guy wanted to be a Green Beret so bad he faked it to the grave. Guardians of The Green Beret (Rally Point) Sergeant First Class Eugene Ashley, Jr. Hall of Heroes. Let this guy be a lesson to you. He said he would handle it. We checked with our friends over at Guardians of the Green Beret and found out they already had his records and were ready to post their case on this guy. Ron Fernandez, you'll now be added to guardiansofthegreenberet.com hall of zeroes forever. XXXXwas an instructor w/ us when I got there in 2014, moved to Xavier as a contractor late-'14 or early-'15, but we stayed in touch. You can check it out at the link below: Click here:Article on him in the CityView. This guy is to me obviously mentally ill. He and I were BEST FRIENDS during the time he CLAIMS 7th GP 18D (MY MOS and MY Duty assignment - ODA 755/754, O&I, SWC G Co SFAS, 1st Bn S3). Don Albares seems to like shiny awards he didn't earn as he wore many. When you get to the bottom of the picture section, click on the red bar to expand more pictures. Offensive is not the word. If you've heard Joey Galindo the fake Green Beret making these false claims, email us at: Contact@Guardiansofthegreenberet.com Mr Prouix needs to be exposed. These phonies do a great disservice to all us real Green Berets. His other awards for valor include the Distinguished Service Cross - our nation's second highest award, the Silver Star - the third highest award, and numerous lesser decorations including eight Purple Hearts. These phonies are almost always criminal otherwise in my opinion. It's really pathetic that people try to get away with this type of stuff. After, This is a living document so we will continue to add emails/statements to this article even years from now, so if you read this and want to make an anonymous statement, send an email to: contact@guardiansofthegreenberet.com. Some other speaking engagements his bio is listed as:Tonight our featured speaker is Richard Calvert, who has earned five purple hearts. He and Mike Mika (President of SFA Ch 34) threatened to sue the SFA National if they didn't rescind the letter they sent us, give Rudi a formal apology, and re-instate him as a member in good standing. This guy is to me obviously mentally ill. If you want what we have, just join the military. If you want what we have, just join the military. The 7th Grp picture he pretends is his is an ODA from the mid-'80s. Gunmaker with DoD Contacts Falsely Claims to be a Green Beret. When we got to the gate, he provided his driver's license to the guard and I didn't think anything of it when he said he left his CAC at home. I'll stretch it out just to be there let me know. Yes, I am a Green Beret. Ron Fernandez, Green Beret, Lieutenant Colonel, 19th SFG(A), with a CIB? FRANCO K WEBB is a LYING POSER. I had no idea this problem was so widespread. I just want to thank Guardians of the Green Beret. This is almost unbelievable. The 1st time I met Ron he was in ACUs w/ typical combat flair (i.e., SF patches on both sleeves, Ranger tab, CIB, abn/aaslt wings). Joey Galindo claims Purple Heart and Bronze Star w/ a V device. We've identified all men in the picture. READ BEFORE POSTING/JOINING. At any rate My experience w/ Ron Fernandez started almost immediately after I took over the UC Army ROTC detachment in Cincinnati back in summer 2014. The Guardians of the Green Beret is a team of active duty and retired Green Berets who expose Special Forces, imposters and posers. Let this guy be a lesson to you. We will add the NPRC result once it arrives. The former Green Beret reveals that because of pressure and the idea that those in his network will be fired from their positions or lose job benefits over speaking out against the woke political agenda, it forces them to remain silent, even if that means having to go against their own values and beliefs. And it just amazes me the lengths that people will go through to embellish military service. Ribbon rack shows 4, he told the American Legion he had 5:False, he never went to Vietnam he never saw combat. Don't do this to your family and friends. Fri faktura 1-2 dagar leverans 100 dagar ppet kp Designa din egen keps & mssa They presented . Both are false claims. It also looks like he added a Ranger Tab to his website. Here he's shown out playing Soldier on one of his paid adventures. Papotia Reginald Wright, Green Beret NOT!! I spent 23 years in the Army and retired in 2006 and although would have loved to to be a part of a Special Forces or Ranger unit and go through all of the training, never did it. I feel sorry for his family. He and I were BEST FRIENDS during the time he CLAIMS 7th GP 18D (MY MOS and MY Duty assignment - ODA 755/754, O&I, SWC G Co SFAS, 1st Bn S3). I reached out to USA SWC at Bragg and talked w/ the training records guy (cannot recall his name, was a DAC). Strst utbud av kepsar, mssor & hattar. Mike Mika has twice, along with Rudi Gresham the fake Green Beret claimed that Rudi spent 12 years in the S.C. National Guard and that's where he attained the rank of LTC. What he wore on his Svc Dress didn't seem out of character; my cousin was w/ 19th SFG(A) and I remember seeing him in his SVC dress before. Don't do this to your family and friends. Ranger, Combat Diver Qualification Course, SFOD-D, Airborne, Pathfinder, Military Freefall., Special Forces All false. You can see Richard Calvert's claims. 2) Anthony Travis Nielsen the fake Green Beret. The song is featured prominently in the film The Big Chill. Maybe it's best to copy and paste one of the detailed emails: apologies taking so long to get this to you. He could have everything without dropping a single iota of blood, sweat, or tears. After talking to MSG XXXXX, MSG(R) XXXXX, XXXX XXXXXX, and XXXXXX XXXXX, none of us wanted to see that or see him go to jail. He was NOT Airborne qualified, nor did he receive multiple Silver Stars or Purple Hearts. Jetzt kaufen: Mosby Curve Basquiat Beat Pop Black Adjustable - Herschel Cap. We are former and current Green Berets who find and investigate those who falsely claim to be a Green Beret. i never knew that, Ol' "Sarge" here talking all kinds of crap and stuff after he was exposedLOL. The BS in this video is too much to list, but the high-points are: Ron XXXXXgot his records and they show that he spent 2 years in Germany as a clerk/cook. I'm a YG95 guy, I assumed Ron was a few yrs senior to me (maybe YG92-93?). 12) Ron Fernandez the fake Green Beret attended one of the many Balls he attended over the years. Guardians_of_the_Green_Beret Subscribe 21 Home Videos PlayLists Liked videos You can visit our website @ guradiansofthegreenberet.com We are current and former Green Beret that expose those who claim to be one of us falsely. I called the 1st Army S1 for the AC/RC BDE at Cp Atterbury and asked the same thing -- "No, Sir. I guess he never thought he would hurt and shame his family to the extent he ended up doing so. Yes, I am a Green Beret. Joe scammed $1000's and $1000's from those around him based on his lies. He's never before claimed Ranger so this is strange. Late on the Saturday we got a call from our BDE asking us to go on post to combine w/ Xavier for an event the next morning. Of course SFA National refused and nothing came of his idle threat. Well done. We received a 2nd email from a fellow Green Beret that actually had a sit down with him: This guy came up on my radar in May of last year, 2019. Guardians of The Green Beret - YouTube Our new website is online.Still a few issues we need to iron out but you can check it out:http://guardiansofthegreenberet.comAnd our. I'm sure he could have joined the military. I spent 23 years in the Army and retired in 2006 and although would have loved to to be a part of a Special Forces or Ranger unit and go through all of the training, never did it. #AnthonyTravis, #AnthonyTravisNielsen, #AnthonyRaids, #TravisAnthony #LiveFastCollective, #LiveFastBrand, 14) Anthony Travis Nielsen the fake Green Beret. It also looks like he added a Ranger Tab to his website. He went to basic and AIT. Richard Calvert, Fake Green Beret showing his fake beret. #AnthonyTravis, #AnthonyTravisNielsen, #AnthonyRaids, #TravisAnthony #LiveFastCollective, #LiveFastBrand. At the time, we thought problem solved. We took a pic together and for the 1st time and I had a pic of him he finally didn't hide his medals. Of course SFA National refused and nothing came of his idle threat. He should have kept quiet We were sent Ramn Montijo by some that knew him as a 1SG yet saw him wearing the rank of a Captain. You can hear his call here: After the call with Ron Fernandez, the fake Green Beret, we were sent 2 memorandums. For real Green Berets, there was one dead giveaway that Brooklyn Army vet Papotia Reginald "Reggie" Wright was an imposter. With him admitting that was his address, we knew we had him. We've identified all men in the picture. We believe he was hoping he could get it to use as his own since he had already had 2 instances of being asked to produceone to enter a military installation and not being able to when asked. Wil Hamilton should practice "Thou shalt not bear false witness". Secondly, it is my hope that Mr Prouix owns up to his lies. Not hard to do the math at that point. Never even attempted the Special Forces Qualification Course. When you scroll through the pictures, the bottom red bar will expand more if you click on it. The cadet posted pics of this and we shared them on the UC Army ROTC page. Anthony Travis Nielsen was still claiming we had the wrong last name but also wonder why would have his address? Stepped. As with many of these guys, they get put to the side when other more pressing cases come in and then they slip through the cracks. I remember the weather was bitterly cold and windy and we bivouacked just outside the FKKY boundaries on a local training area. But he is still listed to speak here, its great reading, very entertaining: I explained this morning to Richard his options. "No LTC Ron Fernandez was a BN CDR here", and he couldn't recall a LTC Ron Fernandez in 19th Grp in any capacity. Steve Morales claimed to have been a Green Beret with a Purple Heart. Here is a link to where he is profiled as a sponsor of the Red Tail TuskegeeAirman:Removed Richard served in the Vietnam War as an Army Combat Medic and earned the Purple Heart. Never even attempted the Special Forces Qualification Course. He otherwise never asked for anything and paid for his meals when we did unit functions. e had Greg Buck a while back and he slipped through the cracks. And he was a decent and easy-going guy. All of us were of the same mind -- something was wrong. We did this thinking he would finally take our call. On more than one occasion, he told the GBF the person we were looking into wasn't him and they had the wrong guy. We did a search in our pay-to-play programs and found the data needed to check his records and saw he wasn't the Green Beret as he has been claiming.