[82], Sign-post marking (scrapes and rubs) is a very obvious way white-tailed deer communicate. Bucks are almost always larger than does, and the average length of the whitetail deer is 71 inches chest to tail. You should learn how to shoot deer correctly to get the best possible yield. !. The white-tailed deer of the Llanos region of Colombia and Venezuela (O. v. apurensis and O. v. gymnotis) have antler dimensions similar to the Arizona white-tailed deer. No, there arent whitetail deer in all 50 states. It can also interfere with the natural deer population levels. Full-grown male North American elk may reach a weight of as much as 500 kilograms in the late part of the summer. During the early part of the 20th century, whitetail deer were under threat because of excessive hunting and development. Mcshea, W. J., Underwood, H. B., Rappole, J. H. (1997). (1984). They have skin-covered nobs on their heads. Their diets vary by season according to availability of food sources. Failing to follow hunting laws will get you in trouble. We also try to answer common questions about deer. Though we didn't weigh it, this one had to field dress well over 250 pounds. 64 lbs. [63], A more targeted yet more expensive[65] removal strategy than public hunting is a method referred to as sharpshooting. South American white-tailed deer, like those in Central America, also generally avoid dense moist broadleaf forests. [119] This butterfly effect was also demonstrated in Yellowstone National Park when the rivers changed because wolves were re-introduced to the ecosystem. A deer could have smaller antlers but be taller or heavier. WorldDeer.org is reader supported and may earn a commission. 50 lbs. Keep in mind that each state has different rules regarding hunting. [107] An Ohio State University study further showed that humans had transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to white-tailed deer on at least six separate occasions and that deer possessed six mutations that were uncommon in humans at the time of the study. [66] While lethal methods have municipal support as being the most effective in the short term, some opponents of this view suggest that extermination has no significant impact on deer populations. Females give birth to one to three spotted young, known as fawns, in mid-to-late spring, generally in May or June. A full-grown mooses average weight ranges from 794 to 1,323 pounds (or 360 kilograms to 600 kilograms). Concerns are voiced that the contraceptives have not been adequately researched for the effect they could have on humans. They also eat acorns, fruit, and corn. [19] Bucks without branching antlers are often termed "spikehorn", "spiked bucks", "spike bucks", or simply "spikes/spikers". In places such as Glacier National Park in Montana and several national parks in the Columbian Mountains (Mount Revelstoke National Park) and Canadian Rocky Mountains, as well as in the Yukon Territory (Yoho National Park and Kootenay National Park), white-tailed deer are shy and more reclusive than the coexisting mule deer, elk, and moose. Averages 36 inches at the shoulder (range 30-40 inches). Deer colorblind to orange, but if you glow "Electrophysiological measurements of spectral mechanisms in the retinas of two cervids: white-tailed deer (, "The Management of Spike Bucks in a White-Tailed Deer Population", "Comparison of geographic distribution models of white-tailed deer, "White-tailed deer in Finland: From 5 to 100,000 in 80 years", "WHITE TAILED DEER FOOD HABITS AND PREFERENCES IN THE CROSS TIMBERS AND PRAIRIES REGION OF TEXAS", 10.1674/0003-0031(2000)144[0419:WTDOVP]2.0.CO;2, https://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/pdf/deer_mgt_options.pdf, "Rumination: The process of foregut fermentation", "Golden Eagle attacks White-tailed Deer at Nachusa Grasslands! [70], In addition to the danger of deer-vehicle collisions the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) reported that the estimated loss in field crops, nuts, fruits, and vegetables in 2001 was near $765 million.[71]. Copyright 2022 WorldDeer.org. The average buck in the Finger Lakes area stands around 38 to 40 inches at the shoulder, and will weigh around 175 pounds. These deer, over time, have intermixed with the local indigenous deer (O. v. virginianus and/or O. v. macrourus) populations. Brokx, P. A. [citation needed]. a limited restocking program began as well as the natural migration of deer from surrounding . Weight: 1.20 LBS. In the United States, the Virginia white-tail, O. v. virginianus, is among the most widespread subspecies. [120] The hotter summers, longer droughts, and more intense rains creates the perfect environment for the midges to thrive in. So as we see in both males and females of this breed, the average for how much of body mass the blood comprises is the same. For the first four weeks, fawns are hidden in vegetation by their mothers, who nurse them four to five times a day. The chart below will help you estimate your deer's live weight, field dressed weight and also edible meat weight. A buck's inside spread can be from 3 to 25in (864cm). [citation needed] The industry for farming white-tailed deer has grown significantly in the past two decades. This takes place in the spring and summer. In most areas where hunting may occur deer seem to develop an acute sense of time and a fondness for metro parks and golf courses. The deer can be recognized by the characteristic white underside to its tail. Of course, male deer weigh more than female deer. Because of their abundance, whitetail deer are one of the most popular animals for hunting. And if you happen to come across a deer in the United States, the chances are pretty high that its a whitetail. For obvious reasons, theres no way to identify the largest living deer living in North America at any given moment. Many factors determine how intense the "rutting season" will be; air temperature is a major one. I live in the south Carolina low country near Savannah GA. most deer live weight are 120 - 210 lbs for a 6 - 10 pt 2 to 4yr old deer average spread is from 12" to 20" last year my friend shot a 19" 9 pt that weighed 309 lbs 4 1/2 year old buck. [72] Bucks attempt to copulate with as many females as possible, losing physical condition, since they rarely eat or rest during the rut. 150 lbs. They can have bony protrusions up to a half inch in length, but that is very rare, and they are not the same as spikes. Copyright 2022 WorldDeer.org. The White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is the most popular game species in Misissippi.Nationally, the white-tailed deer population likely exceeds 30 million. [62] The species has rebounded considerably after being overhunted nearly to extinction in the late 1800s and very early 1900s. its not uncommon for deer to wander into a backyard, the state known for the biggest whitetail bucks. This is before the rut (breeding season) takes place. Deer biology, habitat requirements and Management in Western North America. Ticks are parasitic to white-tailed deer transmit diseases causing irritation, anemia, and infections. </p><br /><p>Note pictures are not size reference. It does have some dried velvet on it and lighter weight and color but hard solid antlers. Rites and rituals in preparation for deer hunting, and in celebration for an auspicious hunt are still practiced in area today. Timber harvesting and forest clearance have historically resulted in increased deer population densities,[91][92] which in turn have slowed the rate of reforestation following logging in some areas. In terms of population, Texas has more whitetails than any other state. Most common cartridges used include the .243 Winchester, .308 Winchester, .25-06 Remington, .270 Winchester, 7mm Remington Magnum, .30-06 Springfield, .300 Winchester Magnum and 12 gauge shot shells. How much does a deer weigh? Other states with significant deer populations are Michigan, Alabama, and Mississippi. This animal is unable to sweat, so it has problems if temperatures reach higher than 80 degrees Fahrenheit (or 27 degrees Celsius). [108] Infected deer can shed virus via nasal secretions and feces for five to six days and frequently engage in activities conductive to viral spread, such as sniffing food intermingled with waste, nuzzling noses, polygamy, and the sharing of salt licks. The Florida Key deer, O. v. clavium, and the Columbian white-tailed deer, O. v. leucurus, are both listed as endangered under the U.S. [74] Copulation consists of a brief copulatory jump.[75][76]. For a typical buck of around 160 pounds, bone weight is usually between 11.5% and 12.5%. Females enter estrus, colloquially called the rut, in the autumn, normally in late October or early November, triggered mainly by the declining photoperiod. . Halls (ed. The shade-tolerant trees prevent the invasion of less commercial cherry and American beech, which are stronger nutrient competitors, but not as shade tolerant. [123] Examples of these diseases are hemorrhagic disease (HD), epizootic hemorrhagic disease and bluetongue viruses, which are transmitted by biting midges. When trying to figure out how much your deer will weigh after youve field dressed it and removed the organ weight, knowing the weight averages for organs and other parts of the body will help you estimate the amount of meat you can expect to harvest from the animal. Carrying capacity and the overabundance of deer: a framework for management. [62] In the United States, whitetail hunting is far more popular in some states than others. Deer are excellent fence-jumpers, and their fear of motion and sounds meant to scare them away is soon dulled. This strategy keeps scent levels low to avoid predators. Seedlings of the three invading species rose exponentially with deer density, while the most common native species fell exponentially with deer density, because deer were preferentially eating the native species. 191 lbs. Total weight is 5.6 Lbs. North American male deer (also known as a buck) usually weigh 68 to 136kg (150 to 300lb),[11] but mature bucks over 180kg (400lb) have been recorded in the northernmost reaches of their native range, namely Minnesota, Ontario, and Manitoba. Some taxonomists have attempted to separate white-tailed deer into a host of subspecies, based largely on morphological differences. In Mesoamerica, white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) was hunted from very early times. suggested that reducing speed limits during the winter months when deer density is exceptionally high would likely reduce deer-vehicle collisions, but this may be an impractical solution. [65], Nonlethal methods include contraceptive injections, sterilization, and translocation of deer. It is among the largest deer species in North America, and the largest in South America. If frightened, the deer will hop in a zig-zag with its tail straight up. Fish and Wildlife Service - Gray Wolf", "Big Cat Tales - NYS Dept. They often rub-urinate into these scrapes, which are often found under twigs that have been marked with scent from the forehead glands. [100] An essential procedure in understanding factors resulting in accidents is to quantify risks, which involves the driver's behavior in terms of safe speed and ability to observe the deer. To determine dressed weight, know that dressed weight is usually 78% of live weight. Sparring among males determines a dominance hierarchy. In other words, understanding and knowing the average live weights of deer and the fact that the dressed weight will not include certain components of the body will help you get a general idea of how much your dressed deer will weigh. They dont have much time to re-gain necessary fat reserves before the winter descends. There were about 500,000 whitetail deer in the United States about one hundred years ago. That species lives mostly in the western part of North America. They need to get heavy, as they will lose a lot of weight during the breeding season and then have to endure the winter. [78] Bucks also grunt, at a pitch lower than that of the doe; this grunt deepens as the buck matures. ", "Penn State Study Shows Bears Are Major Predators Of Fawns", 10.1674/0003-0031(1998)139[0275:bobpow]2.0.co;2, "Wolves of Yellowstone - Yellowstone National Park (U.S. National Park Service)", "Northeast Region, U.S. Deer can become an invasive species and threaten the natural habitat of other animals. [42] This almost certainly plays a role in the overpopulation issues with this species. While each deer species has an average weight range, there are certain factors that may cause variations. [34] White-tailed deer can easily thrive in suburban areas, as a combination of increased safety from some predators (including human hunting), high quality and abundance of foods in home gardens, city parks, open farmland, and other factors all create landscapes with an abundance of edge habitat, The white-tailed deer is a ruminant, which means it has a four-chambered stomach. It may sound counterintuitive, but the method you use for shooting a deer will also play a significant part in the amount of venison you get from the animal. Fertility control also does nothing to affect the current population and the effects their grazing may be having on the forest plant make-up. In: Halls, Lowell K., ed. Today, there are around 72,000 North American elk in North America. To calculate this, multiply the live weight of the deer by 0.78. [83], Venison, or deer meat, is a nutritious form of lean animal protein. [88] Conservation practices have proved so successful, in parts of their range, the white-tailed deer populations currently far exceed their cultural carrying capacity and the animal may be considered a nuisance. Records exist of American crows and common ravens attempting to prey on white-tailed deer fawns by pecking around their face and eyes, though no accounts of success are given. Moose are native to several parts of North America, specifically in Northern Canada and the far-northern United States. This isnt all that surprising when we consider that its the largest of the lower 48 states. Condition is "Used". In other words, theres a lot more room for deer in Texas. If you want to calculate the realistic venison weight, take the ideal venison weight and multiply it by 70%. Males regrow their antlers every year. In recent years, sales of white-tailed deer has generated up to $44 million dollars in revenue. [30] When additional amounts of minerals such as calcium are needed in their diet, they can resort to osteophagy, chewing on bones of dead animals. Mature white-tailed deer can be heavy, but much of their weight is distributed in non-meat areas. These scrapes are used by bucks as a sort of "sign-post" by which bucks know which other bucks are in the area, and to let does know a buck is regularly passing through the areafor breeding purposes. Whole Weight. [13] White-tailed deer from the Andes are larger than other tropical deer of this species, and have thick, slightly woolly looking fur. You might think that Texas would be the best location for hunting since it has the largest number of whitetails. Other popular states for hunting whitetail deer are Kentucky, Alabaman, and Georgia. The tarsal glands are found on the upper inside of the hock (middle joint) on each hind leg. There are no species of deer that are native to Hawaii. Increased deer populations lead to increased transmission of tick-borne diseases, which pose a threat to human health, to livestock, and to other deer. If you shoot the deer in a way that puts the bullet into the bones, or into especially meaty regions of the animal, you will have a lower amount of venison in the yield. Richard E. McCabe and Thomas R. McCabe (1984). Moose must live in cold, northernly places because they need environments that have snow for part of the year. This rather odd occurrence is best noted in Michigan, where in the lower peninsula around late August early September they begin to move out of less developed areas in favor of living near human settlements. [85] Due to the whitetail deer's frame and weight, cup and core bullets are the most recommended for taking clean, ethical shots. Bobcats, Canada lynx, grizzly and American black bears, wolverines, and packs of coyotes usually prey mainly on fawns. Males generally are larger and heavier than females. How Much Does an Average Deer Weigh? Deer have become an invasive species there because humans have introduced them there, creating disruption to the natural environment. 150 lbs. They range in weight from 20 to 160 kg (50 to 350 lbs), with an average of about 60 kg (125 lbs). The antlers have a velvet-covering in the summer months. [56] In regions of intermediate density, deer activity has also been shown to increase herbaceous plant diversity, particularly in disturbed areas, by reducing competitively dominant plants;[57] and to increase the growth rates of important canopy trees, perhaps by increased nutrient inputs into the soil. Field-dressed white-tailed deer are those that [99][100] Roadside habitat modifications could also successfully decrease the number of collisions along roadways. [40] In one case, a golden eagle was filmed in Illinois unsuccessfully trying to prey on a large mature white-tailed deer. Harace R. Hincklay Field Dressed Weight: 355-Lbs Aug 11, 2007 #6 michael p. Getting better with age :) 25,278 9 Texas Damnit! [78] This bleat deepens as the fawn grows until it becomes the grunt of the mature deer, a guttural sound that attracts the attention of any other deer in the area. Their multi-chambered stomachs allow them to eat some foods humans cannot, such as mushrooms (even those that are toxic to humans),[clarification needed] and poison ivy. Bears, which usually target fawns, often simply knock down the prey and then start eating it while it is still alive. The new COVID variant had also infected a person who had close contact with local deer, potentially marking the first instance of deer-to-human transmission.[110][111]. Food: Spring/summer: grasses and forbs; fall: acorns, other mast items, and . In female (doe) red deer, the average weight is between 90 and 200 pounds (41 to 91 kilograms). Residents and visitors to the state derive countless hours of enjoyment from the white-tailed deer resource. To do this, Division of Wildlife employees recorded the field-dressed weight of 115 deer during the 2017 Deer Gun Season. All Rights Reserved. The profile of a white-tailed deer buck caps the coat of arms of Vermont and can be seen in the flag of Vermont and in stained glass at the Vermont State House. Here, its not uncommon for deer to wander into a backyard or even into cities. [47] Discussions have occurred regarding the possible reintroduction of gray wolves and cougars to sections of the eastern United States, largely because of the apparent controlling effect they have through deer predation on local ecosystems, as has been illustrated in the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park and their controlling effect on previously overpopulated elk. The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), also known as the whitetail or Virginia deer, is a medium-sized deer native to North America, Central America, and South America as far south as Peru and Bolivia, where it predominately inhabits high mountain terrains of the Andes. White-tailed deer have many forms of communication involving sounds, scent, body language, and marking. But the variation goes further than that. To make a rub, a buck uses his antlers to strip the bark off small-diameter trees, helping to mark his territory and polish his antlers. Well continue talking about the Red Deer to discuss how males and females tend to vary in terms of how their weights are comprised. In the does, the deers bones will comprise more of its mass, at about 13%. The chart below will help you estimate your deer's live weight, field dressed weight and also edible meat weight. When they blow, the sound alerts other deer in the area. Although they are found in almost all states, whitetail deer dont live in all 50 states. [12] The female (doe) in North America usually weighs from 40 to 90kg (88 to 198lb). My Account; 877-229-0351 Mon - Fri (9AM . The weight range is between 100 and 350 kilograms. Any time the temperature rises above 40F (4C), the males do much less traveling looking for females, else they will be subject to overheating or dehydrating. Gray wolves, the leading cause of deer mortality where they overlap, co-occur with whitetails in northern Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and most of Canada. This can make it harder for amateur hunters who dont have connections. A doe makes maternal grunts when searching for her bedded fawns. WorldDeer.org was launched in 2005 and has evolved over the past 17 years to feature some of the best information about deer on the web. In Mississippi, the deer herd is estimated at 1.75 million animals, which is higher on a deer-per-unit-area basis (density) than any other state, and only Texas has a greater number of deer. Several local deer populations, especially in the Southern United States, are descended from white-tailed deer transplanted from various localities east of the Continental Divide. 50 lbs. [78] Another way white-tailed deer communicate is through the use of their white tail. Despite the alarming high rate of these accidents, the effect on deer density is still quite low. Email questions. ), Erhardov-Kotrl, B. Moose must live in cold, northernly places because they need environments that have snow for part of the year. This means that usually flesh will take up slightly less than 50% of total weight. [102] Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the country with confirmed cases, according to 2019 CDC data, in virtually every state in the U.S. with the highest incidence levels in the states from Maine to Virginia, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Weight: Males: 150 pounds (average); heavier weights are not uncommon; females: average 110 pounds. [27][28], White-tailed deer eat large amounts of food, commonly eating legumes and foraging on other plants, including shoots, leaves, cacti (in deserts), prairie forbs,[29] and grasses. female 120 - 150 lb. We hope that the average weights and other information provided on this page has been helpful. They are usually weaned after 810 weeks, but cases have been seen where mothers have continued to allow nursing long after the fawns have lost their spots (for several months, or until the end of fall) as seen by rehabilitators and other studies. There are also many species of deer that can only be found in specific states. Ideal venison Weight = 113/1.35 = 84 lbs. The result will be 78% of the live deers weight and should be a reasonable estimate of what the deer will weigh when dressed. This list of subspecies of deer is more exhaustive than the list of North American subspecies, and the number of subspecies is also questionable. Also, a noticeable difference exists in size between male and female deer of the savannas. Deer damage and what farmers can do about it", "Major-Histocompatibility-Complex-Associated Variation In Secondary Sexual Traits Of White-Tailed Deer (, "Forest Foods Deer Eat," Department of Natural Resources website", "Deer Fact Sheet | Georgia DNR - Wildlife Resources Division", Morphology of the white-tailed deer tarsal gland, "Right plants (and fences) can keep deer at bay", Warning to Motorists: Fall Is Peak Season for Deer-Vehicle Collisions, "Lyme Disease Maps: Most Recent Year | Lyme Disease | CDC", "Accelerated phenology of blacklegged ticks under climate warming", "Tick control program reveals high level of infection in white-footed mice", "Wild U.S. deer found with coronavirus antibodies", "Widespread Coronavirus Infection Found in Iowa Deer, New Study Says", "Covid is rampant among deer, research shows", "New COVID variant found in deer shows signs of possible deer-to-human transmission", "Divergent SARS-CoV-2 variant emerges in white-tailed deer with deer-to-human transmission", "White-Tailed Deer Named State Mammal of Georgia", "List of State Mammals | State Symbols USA", "White-tailed Deer State Animal | State Symbols USA", "Climate change is the primary driver of whitetailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) range expansion at the northern extent of its range; land use is secondary", "Large-Scale Climatic Fluctuation and Population Dynamics of Moose and White-Tailed Deer", "Will Climate Change Change Deer? And will weigh around 175 pounds sterilization, and infections happen to come across deer! Current population and the largest of the year the characteristic white underside its! Three spotted young, known as fawns, in mid-to-late spring, generally in or... The largest of the year on it and lighter weight and also edible meat weight deer could on... Venison weight, take the ideal venison weight and also edible meat weight industry farming... Correctly to get the best location for hunting auspicious hunt are still practiced in area today factors determine intense! Case, a golden eagle was filmed in Illinois unsuccessfully trying to prey on a large mature white-tailed deer likely... Inside of the doe ; this grunt deepens as the natural migration deer... These deer, like those in Central America, specifically in Northern Canada and average... Voiced that the average weights and other information provided on this page has been helpful will... 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