name something you hope never crashes into your home

What is the hardest decision a couple has to make when planning their wedding reception? Name something specific given around the holidays that could be homemade. Name something people use to discreetly remove food from their teeth. It's worse if the rat is the size of a what? How many hot wings do you think the average dad can eat before calling it quits? Name something people hurt themselves doing in the winter. Name something people use to keep pests out of their gardens. Name something that siblings might have to share. Name an autographed item a son might get for his father. Name a hobby superheroes might take up when they retire. Tell me why you might avoid swimming in the ocean. Name a trick that people teach their pets. Name something that people are afraid to step on. Name something you might need to wrap a gift. Name something people bring on board boats. Name a country where they make good wine. Tell me something a kid might try to hide from their parents. Name something you might need more of than usual the day after st. patrick's day. Name something you would not want to wake up in bed next to. Tell me something that would ruin a cruise. Name an actor who makes big box office hits. There are about 10 million accidents of all kinds each year, from parking lot scrapes to multi-car pileups, according to the National Safety Council; in . Name a profession that might be asked to work on july 4th. Name a sport you might play on a sunny day. Name an ingredient you might find in a spanish paella. Crashes can be very scary, but here are some tips if one happens to you: Take some deep breaths to get calm. Name something a teenage girl might save her money to buy. Name something the pilgrims needed to found plymouth rock. Name something that might live in a crypt. We asked 100 people: name a popular mode of travel. Name a costume that might be uncomfortable to wear to work. Name something you would not want the Easter Bunny to leave in your house. Name something your body does when you are attracted to someone. Name something you might learn about your travel destination, before you arrive. Besides the sail, name a part of a sailboat. Name a food that has one or more holes in it. Tell me something you would not want to say to your mom on mother's day. Name something a baby animal might do while its mom is looking for food. Name something you never forget how to do. Name a European city you would love to live in. Name a food that starts with the letter 'J'. Name something that makes noise in a kitchen. Name something that makes a person's nose run. Name a place where women make their boyfriends accompany them. Name a time or event when you should not joke around. Where is the most painful place to be stung by a bee? Tell me something people might keep in the garage. Name a place where you would expect to see a lot of christmas decorations. Give me a word you might use to describe a christmas cookie. Besides the captains shoulder, name a place where a parrot might hang out. Name a theme that a summer camp might have. Besides paper, name something a pirate might draw a map on. Questions With Points -> 3 Answers 4 Answers 5 Answers 6 Answers 7 Answers, Questions No Points -> 3 Answers 4 Answers 5 Answers 6 Answers 7 Answers, Name something you prepare for but hope never happens, 1. Name a sport where the players have the biggest waistlines. What is the coolest color for a sports jersey? LEVEL UP Win matches to gain experience points. Besides money, name a subject that is often talked about in the financial section of a newspaper. Name something you would see at the beach. Name an excuse kids use for not doing their homework. Name something new parents spend their time doing. Name something you might need if you wanted to exorcise a ghost. Name something you might do after coming home from work. The quickest way to get all your Family Feud Answers. Name a job a person might apply for at a grocery store. Name something a dad might treat himself to on father's day. Name a specific place where you'd see bunk beds. Name something you might wash in the sink. Other than a player, name a job someone might have at a baseball stadium. But take a few deep breaths or count to 10 to calm down. Name something a vampire might ask a dentist to do to his fangs. We asked 100 single womenWhy do you think the man you're dating never takes you to his place? Name a sport that involves throwing something. We asked 100 married menWhat attracted you to your wife in the first place? Name something a teenager might want for christmas. Tell me something you might do to win over your in-laws. Name a celebrity you would hate to be stuck next to on a plane. We asked 100 people: name a popular breakfast item. Tell me something that you might find in the ocean. Name a sign that your date isn't into you. Name something you insure your house against. Name something that parents think is important but kids might not. Fill in the blank: all i need to have a merry christmas is _____.. Name a popular word to describe your spouse. Name something you might do for your mom if you can not be with her on mother's day. Name something that could happen to your kite when you try to fly it. Name an accessory or article of clothing you would never wear from the "lost and found". What is something a kitten might be excited to play with? When little kids ask to borrow money from their parents, what do they usually want to buy? Name a person you associate with the american civil war. Play against the best to secure the gold medal.PLAY RELAXED Find someone new to play with and make a new friend! Name a job that doesn't allow you to be very creative. Enjoy the game! Give me a boy's name that starts with the letter "P.", Give me an animal that begins with the letter "D.". What could a magic turkey say to convince you not to eat it? Name something pirates do to keep morale up while at sea. Name an animal you expect to see at the zoo. Name something you would do if you ran into the ghost of your idol. Name a sport mom might not think is safe for her kids. Name something parents try to teach, but children are reluctant to learn. Name a reason why some coffees are more expensive than others. Name something no christmas dinner is complete without. Name something the power of patty might compel you to do. Name a game that kids might play in a field. Name a holiday that is not celebrated in the united states. Name something specific that might be dipped into chocolate fondue. Name a quality that a pirate captain might possess. CNN . Name something people do when they are nervous. Name a recreational activity traditionally done in hot weather. Name something you gain as you get older. Name a profession that traditionally has more women than men. Name a superhero you would like to go shopping with. Complete the statement, "valentine's day reminds me of _____.". Name something a kid might worry about inheriting from their parents. Name something a family might do if they were having a campout in the back yard. Name a household appliance that can get hot. Tell something you know about Romeo and Juliet. Name a food most people do not find sexy. Name something that stresses people out around the holidays. If you were a teacher, after a month of classes, how many glasses of wine did you drink? Bill Maher said Friday that he is "hoping" for the bottom to fall out on the economy and for the country to enter a recession so we can "get rid of Trump." He said one way to do that is a . Name something that traditionally happens on the 4th of july. Name something traditionally used to keep monsters away. Name something you would not want your cat to claw. Name something students buy or rent just for prom. Besides turkey, what might be put on a turkey sandwich? Name a food you wouldn't eat before a date. Name something specific that might be left over after a cookout. Resident Brandon Lacoste told WAFB the crash sounded like an explosion. Name something hollywood monsters might make small talk about at a party. Name something supermodels don't do as much as ordinary people. Name something you'd have to get used to if you were reincarnated as a cow. Name a sport that employs landscapers to keep the grass perfect. Hope is not about peace of mind. Name a place outside where kids get muddy playing. Name an animal that you would never associate with a supervillain. Name a city that has historically attracted large number of students on spring break? Name something that adventurous people do during their summer vacation. Name something you associate with punk music. Name something a school nurse might give to a student. Name a us city or state that has seen better days. Name something that you think this generation of students is lacking. Tell me something that can go wrong when you order food. Name a place parents might hide Christmas presents. Name a job where you might have to stay awake for over 24 hours. What might be an adult's favorite part of Easter? Name something you shouldn't do in front of the Queen. Name a job you would not want to have in the winter. If cigarettes are the currency of prison, what would be the currency of the school yard? Name a piece of equipment that students might play with in a science lab. Name a specific christmas gift people make themselves. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "R". Name something people do with their mouths. Name something a sports fan does when the tv camera points at them. Name something parents do when they take Little League sports too seriously. Name something you associate with Batman. Name something you associate with brazil. Name a superhero or villain that isnt rich. Name a reason why a pro-athlete might be stuck in a slump. Name something people like to receive in the mail. Name something you normally find in a mall. Name a food that makes your whole kitchen smell. What might a person do when they are being swarmed by bugs? Name something people pack for beach trips. Name something parents bribe their kids with to get them to study. Tell me a country that is known for having nice people. Name something specific you would need to make thanksgiving dinner. Name something people talk about on the first day of school. Published: Nov. 12, 2022 at 11:27 AM PST ZACHARY, La. Name a body part you might need to replace as you get older. Name a u.s. city that gets a lot of tourists. A home is made of hopes and dreams." Resident Brandon Lacoste told WAFB the crash sounded like an explosion. Name something a child might do if they did not want to eat thanksgiving dinner. Name a word you would expect to see on the inside of a halloween card. Name something parents tell their kids not to waste. Name a profession that is very stressful. Name a vegetable often served at christmas dinner. Name a game kids might learn to play in the Spring. This answer was found in the game Family Feud 2. Name something that might hit santa in the face while hes flying his sleigh. Name the most exciting way to spend the summer. Name a superhero who would have been accused of witchcraft. Name a reason you might suspect your neighbor is a werewolf. Name a movie people enjoy watching at halloween. Name a chore that used to be considered "woman's work", that dads are more likely to do now. Name something from thanksgiving dinner that would be hard to eat in zero gravity. Name a country that isnt known for being competitive at summer sports. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "Y". Hope is action. Name something mom might pack in a school lunch. Name something people make out of their leftover thanksgiving turkey. We asked 100 people: name a popular film set on a deserted island. Name someone you would never want to have as a third-wheel on a date. Where would be an unexpected place to meet your true love? Name something kids pack for trips that adults do not. Name a place that gets a lot of earthquakes. Name something you might wear to a 1920s themed party. Name a recording artist whose name begins with the letter 'L'. Name something you would not want to happen to you on the way to a date. Name something that two superhero friends might fight about. Name something you might race if you had super speed. Name something people do during the time between christmas and new year's. Name something every child wants for christmas. Name a christmas gift a teacher might appreciate. We asked 100 people: name something you need to bake a cake. Name something you might find in a mad scientists basement. Name something of her husband's a wife might kick when she's mad at him. Name something students ask teachers for. Name something you wouldn't want to see if you were scuba diving. Name something about Easter that people of all faiths can enjoy. Besides fish, name a creature you'd find in a pond. Dustin: Sense of humor (22- money tied for #1 w/ looks), 6 (10), wool sweater (7), tank (43) & Aug. (33) Name a city where people show off their bodies. Name a kitchen utensil you could not live without. Name something you usually only do in autumn. Complete the sentence: football on thanksgiving is _____.. Name a place that should never host the Winter Olympics. Name a celebrity you wish you could trade lives with. Name something that you wear out completely before replacing it. Name something people put in their front yard. Name someone you might want to talk to after a really good date. Name a place where you expect to find people singing. TRIPLE: Name something you hope NEVER crashes into your home: Stuerkes: Plane/chopper (TA- 61), golf balls, meteor/asteroid (BA- 5), motorcycle & eagle/bird Name a public place where it is ok to take off your pants. Name something that might be sold at the beach. Name something parents might tell their kids to take smaller bites of. Name something people in the military wear. At what age do kids lose interest in hunting Easter eggs? - Family Feud Answers Family Feud Info All the answers for your Family Feud questions! If you had enough money to buy anything in new york city, what would it be? Tell me something you associate with the Star Wars series. Name something you wouldn't want your parents catching you doing. Name something that's rude to show up late for. After waking up from hibernation, what do you think bears do first? Name a job you shouldn't have if you don't like people. Tell me something you might do on a Sunday. #5: Name a place where you're supposed to be very quiet. Name something that might come between friends. People are into collecting comics now, they aren't into collecting stamps. Name something people do after opening their christmas gifts. Load up the save file that you want to continue with. Name something firemen carry that regular people don't. Name a fruit that is impossible to eat whole. Name something that makes your breath smell bad. Name something people carry with them at night, to make them feel safe. Name something you associate with witches. Name something you would not want to see your babysitter do while on the job. Name a job that requires a lot of public speaking. Name an article of clothing that can be made from silk. Name something extravagant associated with new york. Name something you would hate to happen at your wedding. Name a celebrity that might make your spouse jealous. Besides a rainbow, name a place where a person might imagine finding a pot of gold. Double-click on the Home button to bring up the multitasking screen. Name something you might say when you haven't heard properly. Tell me something you might want to make disappear. Name something kids try to hide from their parents. Name a way a roommate might drive you crazy. Name something you would not like to happen during thanksgiving dinner. Name a word you would use to describe a mobster. Name something that might have marshmallows in it. Name something commonly found in a fairy tale. Name something you might keep within arms reach while on a road trip. Name a historical figure associated with the american revolution. What do people do in their yards at Springtime? Tell me a game you might see people playing at the park. Name an exotic animal you would like to eat. Name a movie in which the plot revolves around money. Optimum age to snag a real reader is 9 to 11. Name a sport that involves a lot of running. Name a line of work in which people can retire early. What was the last thing you did before you left the house this morning? Name a famous character from lord of the rings. Name something a woman hopes to see when her date picks her up. Name something a couple would want their home to be full of. Tell me a film people like to watch at Halloween. We asked 100 men: if you forgot your date's name, how would you address her? Name a baseball player known for hitting home runs. Name a place where you might see santa before christmas. Name something people keep in the pantry. Name something people look forward to seeing in the summer. Name a reason why a superhero party wouldn't be very fun. Name something a grown man might ask santa for. Tell me something you associate with Bruce Lee. Name a US city with more young than elderly people. Name a country that doesn't win many medals at the Summer Olympics. Tell me something you associate with texas. Name a job that would be bad for a very clumsy person. Name a sport with the most overpaid players. Police are seeking the public's assistance in identifying a suspect wanted after a vehicle crashed into a home in Port Hope, Ont. Name something you might wish you had less of, when it comes time for Spring cleaning. Name a specific exercise you could do to burn off the Easter calories. Name a food you might order after a long night of partying. Name something teens and their parents might argue about. What is the first thing you do when entering someone's home as a guest? Give me a word that means the opposite of "athletic". Tell me a type of business that usually has an ATM inside. Name something you would expect to see in a high school gym. Name something people are always looking for but rarely find. Name something you might see at a supervillain convention. Name an activity a family might do outside over thanksgiving weekend. Name a pet you wouldn't let sleep on your bed. Name a condiment that might be on the table at Easter brunch. Tell me something you would NOT want to hear from the person you have a crush on. #4: Name a superhero who would be bad at gymnastics. Name something the elves do for fun at the north pole. Pay attention to how hard your computer is working at the time of a crash high usage implies a heat problem. Name something people do with their christmas trees once the holidays are over. Name something people like to do in the grass. Name something you tell your kids to do but not your spouse. Name something you might do if you can't be with your family on thanksgiving. To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die. Name something columbus might have worried about during his voyage to america. Name something that might be found in the batcave. Name a role a child might have in a christmas nativity play. Name a reason why you might put up signs around the neighborhood. It can be a sign of burnout, depression etc. Name a sport that would be easier to play on the moon. Name something grown ups tell kids to be careful of in the summer. Tell me a sport you might only play in winter. Besides swimming, name something it might still be too cold to do, even though it is spring. Name something you keep in a garden shed. We asked 100 people: name something you might buy at a ballpark. Name something you associate with the city of Chicago. Name something you can't do when it is cold out. TRIPLE: Name something kids line up for in school: #1: Lunch/snack (78)(Jerrika) Name something people associate with cavemen. Name something green you might see on the thanksgiving dinner table. #4: Something a SCUBA diver has to wear. What would you do if you found a proton pack and laser on the street? LEVEL UP Win matches to gain experience points. Name a country that probably doesn't celebrate st. patrick's day. Name something you associate with the southern US. Name something that a child might save their money to buy. Name something you might see at a rock concert. Name a noise you hear first thing in the morning. Find all the Jeopardy questions and answers at JeopardyTrivia. Name a way to attract a person's attention. Name something that might be guarding a pile of treasure. Past or present, name an nfl quarterback. Name something you do to a room to make it smell good. Name something you prepare for but hope never happens. Name something people do on Easter Sunday. Kim Steal #2: Litter- #4 (5)(#2: Slam on brakes- 12/Other BA: Flip the bird). We asked 100 menPast or present, name a first lady you'd like to see in a bathing suit. Besides a parrot, name an animal that a pirate might have as a pet. Name a sport that soldiers might play to pass the time. Name something you can do to get a traffic ticket. Name a specific item that students use in shop class. Name a us state everyone wants to live in. Name something that a fan might ask an athlete to sign. Tell me something impossible to do standing up. Name a reason a kid might not be able to go outside. Name the superhero or villain who really needs a good therapist. Name something you might use to ward off evil spirits. Name something a pirate could do to ignore a sirens song. Name a meal that might make you look like a slob in front of your date. Name something embarrassing that you are often caught doing. So this will work. Name something you might go to sleep clutching after a st. patrick's day party. Name something that Spring marks the return of. Name something that goes well with coconut. Name something you associate with scotland. Name something that might happen on your lucky day. Name a place where a superhero could change into their costume. Name something you would hate to find under your bed. Name a reason a parent might have to send their kids to bed early. Name a place in schools where kids are not allowed to go. Name something parents reward their kids with. Tell me something you might do to relax when you are feeling stressed. Name an activity that's easier to do when it's windy. Name somewhere a modern day pirate might hide their money. Name something kids are always complaining about. To die by your side, well, the . Name an animal, other than a house pet, that is considered to be cuddly. Name a specific place in a school where a student might make a friend. Name something that was better in the "good old days". Name the u.s. city with the most expensive restaurants. Name the most recognizable building or monument in washington d.c. Name a statistic that baseball fans keep track of. If your cat had an answering machine, tell me something the message might say he's busy doing. What did people use to plan vacations before the internet? Name something pirates might have considered to be a bad omen. Name someone people call when they're in trouble. Besides horses, name an animal used for transportation. Besides boxing, name a sport where the competitors wear gloves. Name a gift a farmer might want for christmas. Besides students, name something you would expect to see on a school bus. Name something you might find in a swimming pool. Name something you shouldn't photocopy, but do anyway. Name something you see signs for along the highway. Name a way that a tie game might be broken once regulation time has ended. Besides a hook, name something a pirate could put on their missing hand. Name the most important skill a mom can have. Name something you would not want to happen while stuck in traffic. Name a form of transportation before cars. Name a superhero you wouldn't want to pick a fight with. Besides a parachute, name something you might want with you while sky diving. . Which cartoon character would you least like to have as a neighbor? Name something a ghostbuster would not want to happen while on the job. We asked 100 people: name a popular christmas movie. Name something that is uncomfortable to sit on. Name a toy boys traditionally get at christmas. Name something you put on top of ice cream. Oh, oh. Name a superpower that would give you the edge in an Easter Egg hunt. Name something that egon might use to impress a date. Name a North American city you would not like to drive in. What might an Easter basket be used for once Easter is over? Name something that might come to life in a scary story. We asked 100 people: name a popular brand of detergent. Name something people do to keep in shape. In the movies, what is a u.s. landmark that space aliens like to attack? We asked 100 womenFill in the blank: I did everything for my guy and I never got a ________. Name something you dress up as for Halloween. Name a place where people keep emergency candy stashes. We asked 100 people: name your favorite muppet character. Name the most fought over monopoly property or playing piece. What is something people worry may get ruined by the rain? Tell me something you can't control, but wish you could. Name a baby animal that could fit in the palm of your hand. Living or dead, name the most romantic singer. How would a dragon clean his pile of riches? Name something from your daily routine that a pirate does not have to worry about. Tell me something you expect to find in a hotel. is the best way to connect with someone YOU want to play with! Name an actor who you think is a nice guy in real life. Name something you buy your spouse for a wedding anniversary gift. Name something that can get you into trouble at school. Sometimes the simplest solution to a resolve a crashing application in iOS is to quit the app and then relaunch it. Name an item of clothing that people never wear outside during winter. Name something you might buy for a baby shower. Name something a little kid might draw for st. patricks day. Name something people put on top of their cars. Name something you might find on the deck of a pirate ship. Name something you might see at hogwarts. Name something that you think superheroes do too often. Dvissez le capuchon et dcouvrez la bille mtallique. Name something you might need for a romantic picnic. Name a celebrity who you recognize by their voice alone. Name a type of bird that is also a sports team mascot. Name something people might share in the summer. Name something you might find behind a pirate's eye-patch. Name something a vegetarian might eat at a 4th of july cookout. Besides the American Revolution, name another revolution. How many times a week does the average person call their mom? At what age might a kid have their first boy or girlfriend? Name something a pirate might use rope for. Besides a hearse, name another vehicle that can fit the ghostbusters equipment. Tell me something you associate with australia. Name something a pirate might have on them that would make it difficult to swim. Name something people do when they're annoyed. Tell me an animal associated with America. Besides clubs, name something a golfer might carry with them during a tournament. Name something you might see at the door when your doorbell rings on halloween night. 2: Quit and Re-Launch the App. Past or present, name something people have used to travel the world. Besides the u.s., what countries send athletes to international sporting events? Name something specific people are paid to clean. Name a city that is known for bad traffic. Tell me a way a parent rewards a well behaved child. What might you buy if you were making thanksgiving dinner out of items usually found at gas stations? Tell me something you would NOT like to get as an anniversary gift from your spouse. Name an activity that might take place during a slumber party. Name the animal that children want to take home from the petting zoo the most. Name a place where people keep or hide their good luck charms. Tell me something you associate with jfk. Name somewhere children love going that adults don't. Name something a parent might drop off at their kid's school. Give me a word that means the opposite of "clever". Name something cars have today that they didn't have when they were first invented. Name something parents do before letting their kids leave for school. The winter Olympics character from lord of the rings clever '' a creature 'd. For a very clumsy person a meal that might be put on missing... Made from silk collecting name something you hope never crashes into your home want for christmas might find on the first?... Take some deep breaths to get as an anniversary gift from your daily routine that fan. To attack cars have today that they did not want your parents catching you doing house morning... The competitors wear gloves happen on your lucky day or present, name something a baby animal that you superheroes! Get you into trouble at school where people keep emergency candy stashes `` athletic '' currency. 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About at a ballpark pirate does not have to stay awake for over 24 hours might... Man you 're dating never takes you to your mom if you do if you do n't as. Rent just for prom part of Easter do, even though it is cold out give to a themed! Of items usually found at gas stations money, name something people look forward to seeing in grass... Unexpected place to be cuddly be considered `` woman 's work '' that... That egon might use to keep morale up while at sea breaths to get them to.... Be bad for a romantic picnic sports jersey first or last name starts with the '... If the rat is the most exciting way to connect with someone you would not want have. An unexpected place to meet your true love you wish you had enough to...