In this post well cover the interpretation of the tower as feelings for someone, the tower as a person, the tower as action, the tower as intentions, and the tower as a situation. And when we feel powerful bursts of positive inspiration, we can create art that truly moves us. The Tower as how someone feels about you is also a relevant interpretation of the card. Walls are struck down, mental constructs dissipate, premonitions and uncanny feelings arise. It has affected your finances, your mental mindset, and you start to become particularly irritable with the people around you. Changes indicated by the Tower can be violent or drastic and are simply a warning for us to be prepared. In a new relationship, you could have given them a new perspective on life. Once the one shocking event of the Tower has managed to touch upon your emotional stability and psyche, then it is capable of creating mass conflict in all areas of your life. If you are asking about how to improve upon something, then this card tells you to challenge yourself. Which of them are true and helpful, and which are mere illusions that limit you? We build these imaginary walls to protect ourselves, we become nervous because we seek solutions But perhaps we try to solve imaginary problems. The Tower is sometimes interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, sudden change, destruction, higher learning, and liberation. During the burning and collapse of the tower, there is panic and upheaval, both physically and emotionally. In line with this, it can be successful at getting rid of feelings of fear, anxiety, and even of anger. One of the strangest and most powerful Arcana, this card states, among other things, that creation and destruction are interconnected. The outcome may turn out very differently, but not necessarily any worse or better. However, often these situations that endure a Tower moment are close to our hearts, which is what makes them painful- and what makes them Tower moments. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. Although you may go through extremely trying times, know that they will pass and eventually bring something better. In truth, the Tower is a card of freedom and opportunity. Youll be able to see their possiblefeatures,style, and even theirpersonality. Though you can only grasp its meaning intuitively, it likely means that you are still confused, still searching for something from the outside that will avail you of nothing. It can be a sudden uprising of anger, or even an unexpected rush of feelings for a person whom you never thought to be your type. It can range from a sudden confession to romantic love to a betrayal or a collapse in affection altogether. This explains why the cards physical appearance is so unsettling. The Tower card could simply refer to a particularly tall or large building. You may be chasing a job that doesnt necessarily entail what you think it does. The company you work for will be taken over, and you will lose your job. However, if it is drawn even after it has happened, the aftermath may continue to challenge you. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Tower reversed indicates a resistance to change. Now that Pandoras box has been opened, reconciliation seems like a difficult prospect. It also is not necessarily any particular event that may occur. Franz Kafka once said I am free and that is why I am lost.. Its time to cease holding ourselves back, removing that self-censor that worries over and restricts the way we express ourselves. Although the worst point seems to be over, it acts as a catalyst for the series of changes and difficulties you still need to overcome. When we reflect on our lives, we realize that these experiences shaped us precisely. Or has she really been freed? The reason is that they were operating upon volatile and untruthful foundations. In affection tarot readings, the Tower urges you to pose yourself with a few essential inquiries about your connections and organizations. They are stuck on you and refuse to let go. You cant change how this person reacts, but you can choose how you will react to change. When the truth is made known to you, even perhaps through that flash of divine guidance, your circumstances must be viewed in a completely different light. The diffuser holds more water than other diffusers and lasts longer. There is no doubt that this person can and will capture your attention. This ending will be unexpected and painful. With a more complex interpretation, the Tower is seen as a symbol of instability. The Tower card can indicate that they are somewhat tired of you. Once all is lost in this way, you will need to work hard to rebuild your life. 1.2 In the end, theyve caused more harm than good. You should move on and find someone who bends over backward to worship you. We often cannot see it at the time, but looking back, these are the moments that make us. The Tower card is associated with sudden and unexpected transformation which represents the more reckless and impulsive side of Aries. However, through the Tower as a situation, we learn to willingly let go of what we have to gain what we want and need finally. There is almost a sense of detachment, with the querent struggling or intentionally refusing to come to terms with the emotions that afflict them. Remember, you can discover more love Tarot meanings (and the feelings of your lover) by checking out the Love Tarot Meanings E-Book. You seem like an impenetrable keep of secrets at one moment, then you reveal such energy and knowledge that they do not know what to expect of you. At last, when we track down the mental fortitude to take a gander at our misguided judgments, we are liberated. There will be a horrendous flood that will destroy your office space. If your partner doesnt die, The Tower can represent the death of someone close to you both, usually another relative. The commonly thought of meaning is that it's something that totally topples someone's preconceived ideas of what their lives are all about. The Hierophant also speaks of a spiritual love that grows over time. The Tower in upright position generally indicates that someone feels overwhelmed. The Tower as Advice Lies have been built around a situation. You wont be surprised that way again. tool when it comes to providing insights and guidance in all kinds of areas. Reversed Tower cards in feelings indicate that a catastrophe is approaching, and you are doing all your power to prevent it from materializing. Scorpios are amongst some of the most intense and passionate people in the zodiac. This card is the embodiment of being able to see the bigger picture. The Tower as someone sees you A person with an explosive character, the one who blows to the top of the head; Someone who is emotionally volatile; Someone who likes to "shake things up"; Someone who is disturbed. How can we rebuild what has been lost? The Tower card usually represents a period of major change in our lives which can lead to feeling out of control. Yet reversed, you may still be in denial about the hurt that they could have caused, deciding to tuck away the problem instead. They have suffered as a result of their relationship ending. It might feel like you are left abandoned which couldn't be further from the truth. The Hierophant as feelings means that they feel stable and assured around you. By delving into the symbolism and deeper meaning of the cards, we can gain a greater understanding of our own emotions and motivations as well as those of others around us. The Tower tarot love guide advises against aiming for or expecting your relationship to return to its previous state. The reversed tower card may also serve as a warning for a great change that is about to impact your life. Upright, this card is about outside circumstances that are out of the querents control. The end of the relationship has taken a toll on them. The reversal shows that there is a lack of unexpectedness; rather, you could be resisting change that you know is vital to your growth. Tower as Feelings in Love & Relationships (Up. In that case, this may likewise be an ideal opportunity to either let it go, get fair, and, if necessary, consent to find support from an expert. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. This can be how others perceive you, but alternatively it can indicate that a person finds it hard to move on from you. 1.1 It indicates that a lot of important lessons have been learned and we have grown as a result of it. Be upbeat; its time to replace the outdated foundations of the past with something sincerer that will benefit you in the future. Unfortunately, The Tower means that your ex will not be back or, if they do return, that the reunion will be short-lived. However, no matter how much they refuse to adapt, change is comingin a big way. Wherever this place is, its time to seek out new arrangements and new experiences. Through her work, she teaches diviners how to give more confident readings. Instability or insecurity can be the possible outcome of the situation of inquiry. This person may like to remain in control of the present situation. Perhaps you have or will go through a time when your attitude and actions will come as a shock to others? The Tower as Feelings for Someone The Tower as how someone feels about you is also a relevant interpretation of the card. The main emotion behind this act of aversion is fear. The Tower holds a lot of drama. We are not obligated to follow the norm. Their feelings are not what you expect. Dont get this the wrong way; they like you, but in their mind, you are unpredictable, perhaps even dangerous. General Without a doubt, The Tower is a definite no for most types of Tarot readings. Look to surrounding cards if there is hope for recovery. they are suprised by what they feel, even if the feelings are positive. They may be someone with an unexpected background, or maybe they have a penchant for eccentricity. So, do not be frightened to experience emotional catastrophe. The Tower will land in the outcome position of your Tarot reading to predict that the future of this matter is going to be a disaster. Even if they wish to, they cannot change the past. But when we try to assert just one perspective, we become ignorant. Reversed, The Tower card urges you to release past experiences regarding your question and outcome. This could include skyscrapers, castles, or even actual towers. The Tower card is the 16th card of the Major Arcana. Perhaps the true future that the Tower card represents is a future of freedom. Contact us. In drawing the Tower for the outcome position, your mind may jump to the worst possible conclusion that there is. Have there been times in the relationship where youve let small things go too many times? You may have been the person to offer them a new job that changes their lifestyle completely, or inversely, caused them to sacrifice or lose things that they used to hold onto. You may come to grasp what love is and learn why you could not build wholesome relationships. Avoid stating anything that might be offensive to others. The important thing is to discern whether they are truly malicious, or if they just need to grow out of what was taught to them. Why would the deck use the Tower card, reversed or upright, to convey this one? The survivors of the Great Flood decided to build a tower so tall that it would reach Heaven. It's generally considered to be a dark, threatening card and can often be a forebearer of unforeseen and deeply traumatic events. Id love to hear about your experience. An avid Tarot reader from the age of 7, Lisa believes that divination should be effortless, personalised, and meaningful. Lightning strikes, burning the Tower down. However, the card could simply refer to unforeseen circumstances. Neither does this person want to say no, because they do not want to face the change that a no might bring. Being able to learn from past relationships, freeing yourself from the same lessons and negative situations, and removing mindsets that impact your self-worth are important aspects that the Tower reversed encourages the querent to act upon. Star Tarot Card Meaning 35 Interpretations! You never know in what ways you may benefit from it further down the line. Tarot can be an effective (and fun!) The Tower does not always refer to something negative- only that this change refers to a complete collapse of the old into the new. that all really makes sense. The Tower may indicate that youve had a significant effect on their life. In this case, your company, or the company you work for, will be demolished seemly out of nowhere. No matter how much we resist change, it will comeso it is better to embrace it. The Emperor As A Person: Upright & Reversed, The Magician As A Person: Upright & Reversed, The Empress as a Person: Upright & Reversed, The Hierophant As A Person: Upright & Reversed, The Devil as Feelings in Love & Relationships, Three of Wands as Feelings in Love & Relationships, Two of Wands as Feelings in Love & Relationships, The World As A Person: Upright & Reversed. The feelings are kept quiet inside of the person, hesitant to come out into the light. This increased awareness is an immediate consequence of new correspondence channels with the higher brain or heavenly soul. It might be bad news to hear that the energy of the Tower card is not over quite yet, but without fully erasing this old situation, then the new will have difficulty coming in. The best description of this is denial. It is important to take care of our own needs and to not try to do everything for everyone else all the time. Perhaps youve had a goal in mind, or you had pictured the best and worst possible scenarios in your head. The Tower is drawn as a large, intimidating structure with a lightning flash and obvious chaos. I asked universe about the boy I was with and I believe I asked them what they thought about it. It would be an ideal opportunity to look at on the off chance that you are forfeiting your satisfaction and opportunity for a relationship that gives you security. You may be forgoing opportunities and not applying for certain companies or positions because it does not fit your ideal job in mind. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. Here, we must reverse the cards logic. See clearly and leave the boundaries of your comfort zone. The card shows a tower structure in flames, surrounded by clouds and a bolt of lightning. 1.7 Here, we have to accept that some things are beyond our control, that life is not always meaningful, and that a lot of humanitys attempts at greatness are much like building sandcastles; inevitably the tide will wash them away. One possibility is that it is not a physical place, but a mental landscape that you carry wherever you go. Consider getting some therapeutical help in acknowledging past traumas or truths about yourself. Your ex is now unsure of who they are and what they want out of life due to how it ended. In the shadow of the Tower, we find isolation and the agitation of uncertainty. You check their boxes. This conflict may be the product of one cataclysmic event, or if already in the midst of a conflict, the Tower can indicate a sudden change in direction caused by an external event. You may suddenly and without warning develop feelings for someone you never thought you would feel for. By itself, there are no positive or negative connotations to this card. They know things will change when you find out, things may get explosive, either your hopes and dreams, or a nightmare. Going bankrupt is a frequent theme for Tower situations. Who knows,you may evenrecognize your soulmatewhen you see the sketch! The aim here is to ask yourself what you really desire when you think about that goal or dream. However, I only recommend products that I personally love. Thats all for The Tower Tarot card meaning! The Tower is a reference to the biblical tale of the Tower of Babel. They keep you in your comfort zone, never encouraging you to push yourself toward reaching new goals. When the Tower makes an appearance in a tarot spread, it generally signals the approach of the time when truths, fantasies, and belief systems built on falsehoods are about to meet their demise. Listen to yourself and your intuition. There may be a certain hesitancy in confronting how you really feel. The Tower card usually represents a period of major change in our lives. Ill fill the diffuser with lavender or peppermint. Vekke Sind, High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! Leave behind the issues and emotions that caused this to happen. Does the future of this look promising? The Tower reversed is a warning, telling you that you need to communicate. They care about you and they want to nourish you with guidance. Reversed, the Tower may indicate that a change is needed in your inner belief system or your current career. This is a person who tends to be overly critical of themselves, worrying over past situations where they feel they could have performed better. In fact, if paired with the Strength Major Arcana card, then this may indicate that the querent needs to draw upon their inner guidance to help tackle the shifting external factors and problems. Perhaps the situation in question is one that you are too overly invested in, and spirit is asking you to let the outcome go, for the benefit of yourself and others. That being said, it takes two to tango, so youll both need to be on the same page. They will crumble and cause suffering and commotion. This is a challenge that requires a lot of willpower and strength to overcome. In the upright version of the Tower, an event has caused your perception of a friendship to change drastically. It may not display this or other websites correctly. In an internal conflict, the battle can seem infinitely endless. Even if the querents problem is an unwillingness to face change, then this can still be the result of a limiting mindset of low self-worth or lack. The Tower brings forth an unacknowledged reality. Unsubscribe at any time. Heard the tower could signify explosive sex, or extreme lust, intense emotions. It is a surprising turn away from the conflict, and forces us to assess what really matters to us. Your mindset and thoughts have the ability to transform the world around you. They are willing to go neither forward nor backward. Or it might be like a very distant thunderstorm, barely visible and audible. This situation is one that requires your full attention. With this one-of-a-kind and fun service, you can finallyget a sketch of your special someone. A woman falls from the top of a tower, which is surrounded by ominous imagery and has been struck by lightning. You seem obscure, yet predictable and perhaps even deluded, as if grasping at something that isnt actually there. 1.3 The Tower can also be a sign that we need to take some time for ourselves and rest, relax and recharge. This person feels that change is being forced upon them unwillingly. You may have long moved away, but still experience perhaps the mental trauma or memories that the place once brought you. But regarding your emotions in the short term, this may not be a negative thing. Because tha. Whatever your partner reveals to you will change your relationship in a permanent way. After their imprisonment in the depths by the Devil, the man and woman are finally free, but their troubles are not over yet. As advice, the reversed Tower card urges you to start with yourself first to seek clarity on what you really desire and want to achieve. A shelter to be found. The imagery on this card is a typical scene of destruction and disruption. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. This change usually is scary, life changing and often unavoidable. All rights reserved. They wont still be attracted to you romantically if they are now. The Devil Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More! Good that means you are waking up! Many times, arguments have arisen in relationships due to a lack of communication, or an unwillingness to effectively communicate. You may like to continuously challenge them- for example, urging them to step out of their comfort zones. Their heart is open with you, and they feel comfortable enough to be truly . A good question to ask yourself is this: there is a wide range of good, neutral, and bad cards in a Tarot deck. The card depicts a Tower being struck and crumbling, a shaking of the very foundation on which it stands. The Tower indicates the ending of a current relationship. The Tower dominates the landscape from its perch atop a craggy peak. They think theres much to learn and experience by your side, nonetheless. Advertise with us. Move on, and surrender to what needs to happen. Do they suddenly seem empty when exposed to the light of truth? Sometimes I will choose the sound of rain or the ocean or even thunder. There may be a cycle of fighting and breaking. What is More Accurate: Tarot or Astrology? Resisting an inevitable confrontation or ending will only build matters up to a point where the friendship is completely stagnant. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? i do get those interpretations too. They are not very happy about this type of disruptive change. Or it can be very much a happy truth, where you feel enlightened or even elated at a new revelation. Well, the Tower could signify that this wont necessarily be the case. This is a feeling of stagnancy, which is stopping both parties from personal growth and future abundance. This can result in a degrading work culture and little company growth. The thing that matters most is our mindset and attitude towards the situations. You may have received notice concerning some negative news, such as a sudden layoff from the company. They feel in control of their emotions. As much as they would like to reverse how things went, they cannot. They can be set in their ways, holding onto old and previously established values or situations. Proudly made in Austin, TX. Most of the time, The Tower will appear as a strength, advantage, or positive in a Tarot spread when you have developed a thick skin and a take-no-shit attitude. Tarot eBooks. The Tower tarot card speaks of feelings that can be overwhelming to the seeker. Sometimes, for a fear of being left behind alone, this person will try to keep you by their side for as long as possible. The Tower Tarot card represents chaos and destruction. When you pull the Hierophant reversed in the context of someone's feelings for you, it could mean that your love interest may be coming from an unusual place. There Seeker could be feeling a lot of anger about a situation in their life, both around old and new events. For relationships and feelings, the Tower reveals the power of rapid, transformative change. It could come like a change in a relationship, which up until now has offered security and comfort but is void of any passion or happiness. You may challenge their inner belief systems. After many attempts off stream and a few on stream. The occurrence of the card suggests that unhealthful and weak connections won't survive. When The Tower appears in a Tarot spread as an obstacle, negative, or weakness, it means that what youre striving for does not look likely to succeed. The way they felt about you previously is not the same now. As feelings the Tower holds something that will change how you see this person. If the disruption has not occurred yet, knowing that the Tower talks of external, usually unavoidable forces, then the best course of action is to be mentally prepared, as well as physically and spiritually rejuvenated. If your relationship is based on shaky ground, you two may decide to split, divorce, or end it. Suddenly, you will find yourself watching as your universe crumbles to the ground. It is also very much a situation that you cannot control. For example, if you use these feelings to communicate your needs honestly, it can change the relationship in a positive and instructive way. Whatever your question, the Tower could point to the place that you least expected. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. The Tower throw you to the ground, to encourage you to emerge with your own answers. 2022 Sibyl Tarot. I've learned a lot and I swear that the phrase: Cheat to win, . Matters most is our mindset and thoughts have the ability to transform the world around.! Lives which can lead to feeling out of control forward nor backward comfort zone, never you... Have been learned and we have grown as a symbol of instability future of freedom and opportunity go many... Tarot can be violent or drastic and are simply a warning for us to be truly is no that... Full attention increased awareness is an immediate consequence of new correspondence channels with the people you. 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